Sunday 7 May 2017

When a disciple of the Noble Ones discerns what is unskillful, discerns the root of what is unskillful, discerns what is skillful, and discerns the root of what is skillful, it is to that extent that he is a person of Right View, one whose view is made straight, who is endowed with verified confidence in the Dharma, and who has arrived at this true Dharma.

Now what is unskillful? Taking life is unskillful, taking what is not given is unskillful, sexual misconduct is unskillful, lying is unskillful, abusive speech is unskillful, divisive tale-bearing is unskillful, idle chatter is unskillful. Covetousness is unskillful, ill will is unskillful, wrong views are unskillful. These things are termed unskillful.

And what are the roots of what is unskillful? Attachment is a root of what is unskillful, aversion is a root of what is unskillful, indifference is a root of what is unskillful. These are termed the roots of what is unskillful.

And what is skillful? Abstaining from taking life is skillful, abstaining from taking what is not given is skillful, abstaining from sexual misconduct is skillful, abstaining from lying is skillful, abstaining from abusive speech is skillful, abstaining from divisive tale-bearing is skillful, abstaining from idle chatter is skillful. Lack of covetousness is skillful, lack of ill will is skillful, right views are skillful. These things are termed skillful.

And what are the roots of what is skillful? Lack of attachment is a root of what is skillful, lack of aversion is a root of what is skillful, lack of indifference is a root of what is skillful. These are termed the roots of what is skillful.

-- Sariputra, Samyak-drishti Sutra

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