Thursday 31 March 2022












Whatever is dependently co-arisen is explained to be emptiness. That, being a dependent designation is itself the Middle Way.

-- Nāgārjuna

Wednesday 30 March 2022

The Missing Self in Buddhism and Psychology

by Asa Hershoff


A few years ago, a friend of mine was ready, along with his wife, to retire. They had invested their life savings, the work of 20 years, to fund their golden years. Unfortunately, it was with a man named Madoff. In a single moment, they lost it all to this con artist and it was never recovered. What has this to do with the Dharma, mantra recitation, deity visualisation, mahamudra, Dzogchen, or glimpsing the luminosity of ultimate mind? Just like that retirement fund, the Dharma requires a tremendous investment, not only of money but of precious time, effort, thought, dedication, and even sacrifice. So the question becomes, where are we really putting all this energy? Because it is not guaranteed that it will go where it actually belongs, where it can really do us some good.

Flashback to 1982, when I was first contemplating entry into a three-year Vajrayana retreat, I had wrangled the position of a driver for my teacher, the Venerable Kalu Rinpoche. Touring New York, Boston, and points between, it helped that I had purchased a black Citroen that Rinpoche would have been familiar with from his extended time in France. One day, while giving a French student a ride, I asked when he planned on undertaking a retreat since at that time this was the logical path for Kalu Rinpoche’s students. In broken English, he spoke words that still ring in my ear: “Well, I’m not very impressed with the result.”

Indeed, I have known individuals who have done six-year retreats, and Eastern lamas who have done a cumulative 20 years in caves and isolated huts, and who were variously arrogant, self-important, self-centred, vindictive, or manipulative. There are cases of people who have abandoned the Dharma altogether after a three-year retreat, while others have committed suicide. As is public knowledge — and my unfortunate personal experience — a rare few seasoned Tibetan meditators have been sexual predators or out and out thieves, even black magicians.

Yet the same teachings and practices have clearly helped transform Western Dharma students and Eastern teachers into their best selves, beacons of compassion, integrity, inner strength, and impartiality. Meditation and mindfulness can save minds, save lives, and eradicate negativity and suffering. But there are also modern mindfulness masters who are self-satisfied, arrogant and engage in “virtue signalling” rather than actual virtue. So what gives? How can the very same Dharma produce such different results in different hands or minds? We can just shrug it off as individual differences, or karma, or pre-existing mental pathology. But there may be a more precise issue that we can put our finger on and perhaps do something about. 


It comes back to where we invest, or “who” we are investing in; what part of us is receiving the Dharma, what part of us is penetrated by the ideas, practices, and experiences that encompass the path of Buddhism. To answer that question requires a dip into psychology, that vast repository of thinking on the nature of our relative self — not just our ultimate nature. This opens up to a much bigger issue, one central to psychology and spirituality alike, and why, in a sense, our entire culture has made a “bad investment” and continues to do so. It simply invests in the wrong self. But so can Buddhists, because both have overlooked the “missing self.” In many ways, the whole problem of humanity is a case of mistaken identity!

Back in 1982, John Welwood, a psychologist and student of Chogam Trungpa noticed a phenomenon he termed spiritual bypassing, which he defined as “using spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.” This could take the form of self-inflation or deflation, specialness or self-blame. He noted, rightly, that there are two lines of human development: becoming a genuine human person versus going beyond the person altogether. Theoretically, these parallel lines of development may come to a single point on some event horizon. But staying a dysfunctional person for untold lifetimes does not seem to accelerate that theoretical convergence.

Centuries before Welwood used this term, the old Zen masters of Japan used the term “the stink of Zen” to describe those who developed a persona of specialness while taking on the external trappings and activities of a monk, but without any internal shift. Seon Roshi and others used this term freely with their Western students as clearly this problem is endemic to spiritual training. Welwood even goes so far as to call it an “occupational hazard” of meditation.

But we are still left with an unanswered question about what it means to fix oneself on a psychological level so that we can progress on a spiritual level. The growing field of Buddhist psychology may offer some solutions. But there may be an even more direct and elegant answer from an unexpected source.


I was always intrigued by the idea of the 25 cent gasket that disrupted the launch of a billion-dollar spaceship. The devil is in the details, and when foundational details are wrong — as anyone who has done any accounting knows — the errors carry through to all the future calculations. A few foundations block out of place at the bottom of our building, and that edifice can become a leaning tower of Pisa.

That was my impression of modern psychology after I came across a startling book, back in my pre-Buddhist days of the late 1970s. Within the pages of In Search of the Miraculous, G. I. Gurdjieff was quoted as saying: “Essence is the real in man, Personality is the false.” He described in detail how we have a basic nature, with its constitutional predispositions and tendencies, with our real potential, purpose, and destiny. What Trungpa called Basic Sanity or Basic Goodness is basically Essence, or is at least a core characteristic of this underlying stratum of our identity. Secondly, we develop, from an early age, a programmed, socialised, culturally moulded self in order to interface with the world.

Gurdjieff termed this Personality, but to avoid confusion with modern definitions, I use the word Persona, i.e. a mask or artificial facade. Having a common interface with other human beings (including language) is essential, but it should be a vehicle or a tool of our authentic Essence. In most cases that artificial construct, with no real existence of its own, is dominant while Essence is left to wallow and wither, without nourishment. Unfortunately, the whole of our modern consumer society is Persona-based, where image and impressions far, far outweigh the force of presence and being. Essence is neither promoted nor supported in most cases. It is style over substance, sizzle over steak.


The Persona cannot grow and mature; it can only upgrade. A new way of speaking, a tweaked set of beliefs, different facial expressions, different emotional tones, and a new “sense of identity” can all be adopted or manufactured. Persona can have the guise of an activist, a doctor, an expert, a Buddhist. The forms are creatively infinite. Essence is that part that can grow, mature, develop, even transform. It is automatically connected to the spiritual self. And as Essence matures, it can form a True Persona, one that is fully congruent and accurately reflects who we really are, reflecting our life’s purpose and unique gifts. But it is also true that the cobbled together Persona has little or nothing in common with Essence. False Persona, once in ascendancy, is not happy to give up its artificial status. How and why we move from Essence to a Persona-based life is well beyond this short essay, but is a question that should stay prominent in one’s mind. It is the key that unlocks an understanding of the human condition.

Although the idea of a True Self has not gone unnoticed by psychologists such as Rollo May, Irvin Yalom, Karen Horney, and C. G,. Jung, or some in the fields of positive psychology, social psychology, personality theory and the study of authenticity, mainstream psychology stubbornly takes the self to be one solid block. That fundamental miscalculation means that all research, reportage, surveys, statistics, and working models of traits, self-schema, self-view, developmental theory, and so on, are based on the assumption of this monolithic “personality.” This is the 25-cent part that dooms the planned interplanetary reaches of psychology. The same goes for the thriving field of self-help. But how does this impact our Dharma practice?


Spiritual systems in general, including Buddhism, portray a duality of mind. There is an ultimate being, a non-dual, non-local luminous consciousness that underlies our limited, subject-object experience of relative reality. And then there is our familiar mundane self. Often this is identified as the “ego,” a term oddly borrowed from Freud, who defined it quite differently. As such we have a two-self system in Buddhism (or you can call it a self and non-self system). Ego is the tyrant who usurps our spiritual self, the “narrow cell of your false identity.” It obscures our Buddha-nature, the spacious consciousness that transcends this localised identity. Yet we know our state can vary from mechanical, unaware sleepwalking through life, to an awakening, highly attuned awareness of one's own being and the vibrant world around us. Something big is lost when we lump everything about our normal state together and pathologise it. And something bad happens when we think we have to transcend, eliminate, or leap over that self. Because there are two very different creatures living in that egoistic self: Essence and Persona. Essence is the bridge to the spirit.


Spiritual bypassing, and the stink of Zen, are both instances in which the Dharma enters Persona, but does not penetrate Essence. There is a third self, neither “ego” nor pure luminous consciousness, which if ignored, hobbles both modern psychology and Buddhism from fulfilling their grand promises. Indeed, it appears that becoming Essence-centred is the only healthy way toward spiritual development. Trungpa, Welwood, and thousands of other teachers have ways of helping drop down into Essence temporarily. If this mechanism was better understood, we would have a much better chance of living there. So does your Dharma practice enter Persona . . . or Essence?

There have been many Buddhas before me and will be many Buddhas in the future.

-- The Buddha

Tuesday 29 March 2022






一下想住住茅蓬,一下又想清净清净,人多了,烦乱修不成。那你就去住茅蓬去修吧! 一个人去修又害怕,三两个人又打闲岔,那怎么办呢? 就这样,反反复复,多生累劫都这样。大家共住吧,嫌着约束,一个人静住吧,又懈怠,又恐怖;一年又一年,一辈子又一辈子,无量劫就这么过来了。如果你执著,于法乐住,喜欢的,就专持哪一法,不喜欢的就排斥。这些执著,每个修道者都有,还不用说到不修道者。


梵行清净是指什么? 是把你那个心洗干净。相信你这个心跟佛无二无别,那就非得用梵行,一切无著。当你面对持戒犯戒,修与不修,会有另一种看法。




你从外相看,你看不出来哪个好哪个坏,得从本质上看。你看这位师兄对什么事都糊里糊涂的,因为他什么都不执著。这个小徒弟很精灵的,就是因为他太执著了,他才精灵。懂得这个道理吗? 你以为他在睡大觉,其实是在观心呢!




我们怎么办呢? 咱们从净行达到梵行,先修持文殊菩萨所教授的一百四十一愿,再达到法慧菩萨所说的,一切无所著,这个时候功德就大了。是什么功德呢? 发菩提心。发菩提心成佛,并不是那么容易的,读读《梵行品》就知道了。



To use your mind in a natural way means to avoid trying to control it. The more you try to control your mind, the more stray thoughts will come up to bother you.

-- Venerable Sheng Yen

Monday 28 March 2022

Doing What Has to Be Done

by Prof. David Dale Holmes

Insight wisdom provides the power of mind to see and understand that all things are impermanent.

The development of insight wisdom is a gradual awakening process in which, over time and through persistent practise, we gradually begin to see arising phenomena — one mind-object after another. We come to see how all perceptual phenomena are insubstantial and not as real or as solid they seem or appear to be.

This is true not only of big things but also of small things, such as subtle mental-sense impressions as they impinge upon our minds.

They tingle our perceptions, making them seem as we wish them to be or do not wish them to be ─ especially when we are foolhardy enough to allow ourselves to go grasping after whatever we vainly think will be satisfying in the fleeting-nebulous illusions of sense perception.

Further, we need insight to develop the clear, incisive knowledge and wisdom necessary to see through the clever, sly, subtle tricks of the sense aggregates as being nothing more than biased, bursting energy bundles.

They try to fool the mind, to deceive it into perceiving arising phenomena in the way that the aggregates want to be seen, so that they can get their greedy hooks into resultant, arising feeling levels of delusive sense awareness.

Because of the power of these sly tricks of the sense aggregates, we urgently need to develop and depend on keen alertness and active mindfulness to constantly guard the doors of the six senses to the city of the mind. This city is teeming and swarming with hoards of deceptive appearances and phantasms after which the untrained mind will, consciously or unconsciously, want to chase and grasp in order to devour and enjoy or crush and kill.

Indeed, we crucially need to develop and depend on the combined defensive forces of sila, sati, and nana (right conduct, awareness, and insight knowledge), all working together to secure the citadel of the mind. Working to stand as mental forces and serve as guards against approaching deceptive apparitions, which have the potential during incautious mental lapses to penetrate security, when the mind is unconsciously relaxed and unguarded and then slips back into old habits.

We must note, also, that the normal worldly mind can become defensive and aggressive when it is compulsively grasping after tempting illusions and sensations. It aggressively dislikes being curbed or hindered.

It wants what it wants, and it does not easily tolerate anything getting in its way. This is why it becomes agitated, aggravated, and sometimes even out of control when things don’t turn out the way the unruly mind desires them to be. It may even act with defiance and violence against anything trying to control and train it to change its ways.

So how do we become trainers of the mind?

The untrained mind is much like a monkey or a child that grasps at things, following the momentary impulses of the eye. It sees and wants, even though, in reality, such impulses to grasp and clutch onto everything in sight are just momentary, empty sense perceptions and phantasms that bring no ultimate satisfaction.

The Buddha made the ingenious analogy that although the normal mind is naughty and greedy and uncontrolled, it can be compared to a wild elephant or stallion, which resists being controlled. However, the wild elephant or stallion has the potential to be calmed and tamed and eventually trained to become a beneficial and useful friend. We may come to see ourselves as similar to such an elephant or stallion, and when we do, we will know what to do, without anyone telling us how. The decision becomes ours alone.

When we are beginning to try to develop the mind, it is not easy. At first, we are very unskilled and have little success in controlling our impulsive, stubborn, grasping tendencies.

But then, as we slowly begin to understand the ever-recurring dangers that impulsiveness and compulsiveness inevitably cause, we begin and continue to develop the capacity for judgement (discernment) through direct observation and experience of what is a beneficial action and what is not, and what the result will be.

To reiterate, cultivating insight knowledge means slowly developing wisdom through the experience of knowing what is beneficial and what is not beneficial. What brings fulfilment and happiness and what brings a lack of fulfilment and unhappiness. This invariably leaves a person who is accustomed to worldly grasping with a sense of letdown expectations and disappointment will inevitably follow in its train.

To pinpoint the source of delusion more precisely, the mind watching the mind eventually recognises that the illusion of what we, at first, falsely considered to be “our mind” or “our thoughts” or “our self” is actually nothing more than another impermanent, accumulating aggregate of elusive sensations; impressions, impulses, and desires arising and ceasing.

The detached mind watching the mind eventually comes to realise that what we have always considered to be “our mind” ─ working away in a worldly way ─ is just another impermanent accumulation or bundle of interacting perceptual phenomena, lacking any actual abiding reality.

The point is succinct, yet it is not so easy to see.

When the mind watching the mind sees that there is no “our self,” no “our mind,” no “our thoughts” as an independent entity, then, with time and discernment, the mind gradually comes to realise that there are only the flashing instants of mind watching mind. It becomes clear through insight that the mind is, in fact, only a tool to be used in a process of observation and analysis, and then to be laid down and set aside once its task of locating and sorting and dissolving the delusions of phenomenal existence has been accomplished.

When we are young, our minds are untrained and we are unwise and unskillful and follow every whim. But as we become older and wiser, we keep learning from our mistakes and become more skilful in directing our choices and actions.

As we become older and more experienced, some of us who have learned about the powers of mindfulness begins practising insight meditation as a way to be more watchful, to learn to mend and mind our ways. And, as we become more skilful in discernment, we begin to know how to choose which actions will be constructive and which will not.

Some of us who are disposed of thereto will seek a teacher who can guide us in following the Buddha’s instructions, as outlined in the Pali Canon. We will then go on to do what we need to do; to seek a way through the tangle of the tangle. To clear the path of self-made obstacles and hindrances within the jungle of the wild, untamed mind. To try to unravel the seemingly hopelessly entangled networks of insecurities and anxieties related thereto.

So many a time people come and ask me: "My guru, where is he?". Many people just feel frustrated that they cannot find a guru. Actually, I think, the problem lies in - ourselves. Because our desire for dharma, it is not correct or it is not pure, therefore we are unable to find a guru, or perhaps we find a guru who isn't one with virtue, and you find a bunch of people with issues as gurus; and they are not real gurus actually, they are just gurus with issues! 

-- 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje

Sunday 27 March 2022





















八万四千法门最精髓的都在慈悲心和菩提心里。要成就佛果, 没有差错的道路就是菩提心。菩提心的功德几天也讲不完。寂天菩萨说:我们生起菩提心,就像是乞丐在垃圾堆里找到稀世珍宝,它给我们带来无尽的喜悦,满足我们所有的希求。





























亲密的人之间往往有太多执著,心里会有许多期望和要求,要求对方完全理解、欣赏、领受、符合我们的心意,不然便感觉失落、痛苦。 对亲近的人,我们并不缺少爱,而是缺少宽容和放松。


Thoughts come and go like a thief in an empty house. There is nothing to be gained or lost.

-- Mahasiddha Padampa Sangye

Saturday 26 March 2022

The Work of the Moment

by Roshi Pat Enkyo O'Hara

Several years ago, I was in the Catskills with a colleague, celebrating the completion of a two-and-a-half-year project. It was summer, and it can get very hot in the Catskills, so we were sitting on the veranda of my friend’s place with tall glasses of iced tea and stacks of novels. We had worked really hard on this project, and we were ready for relaxation. As we sat there, I kept looking to the side of the house at a hillside entirely overgrown with shoulder-high tarweeds, the kind of weeds with leaves that are sticky to the touch. They had so completely taken over the hillside that they were killing all the other native plants.

Suddenly, without even thinking, I rose up out of my chair, got some tools, walked up the hill, and began pulling up and cutting away the weeds. I worked up there for the next three days, covered in sweat and sticky pitch, my hands stinging because I didn’t have any work gloves. My colleague couldn’t believe me; she could easily have had her caretaker do it. However, I remember it as a time of rapture, of enormous, satisfying pleasure. It wasn’t about “work” as we usually understand the word; it was about my whole body and mind being fully with the smell of the tarweed as I pulled and hacked away at it. It was about complete mergence with that hillside, not thoughts of how it would look later, but a complete at-oneness with what I was doing in a most profound and beautiful way.

That’s how I experience intimacy with work, even when the work is challenging. Spreadsheets, for example, are hard for me to understand and manipulate, and I find myself butting up against the software, asking stupid questions, and so on. Still, being immersed in that kind of work can also be a source of joy.

The word work is apparently about five thousand years old, and from the beginning — in its Proto-Indo-European version, werg — it simply referred to “something being done.” How are we in relation to this something being done in our daily lives? What is the heart of our work? What are the qualities surrounding something being done?

Work can mean our career or simply how we make money; it can be our calling (our “life’s work”) or simply our functioning in the world: cleaning the zendo floor, making the beds, doing the dishes.

I like to think of work as what we do; it is the activity of the life we live. Work is any activity we’re engaged in that requires our energy and focus, whether or not we’re paid for it. We all know you can work really hard for no money. There’s work in the marketplace, and there’s work at home. There’s paid work and unpaid work. When I was a young woman, I took a few years off from the university and learned so much about the world. I learned to cook, to paint, and to write poetry; I tried my hand at pottery; I did canning; I gardened; I sold organic vegetables; I learned to quilt; I even sewed my husband’s shirts by hand. Then I’d go to a party, and someone would ask me, “What do you do?” And because what I was doing had no value in the marketplace (even though I was experimenting and learning and full of creative energy), I felt like saying, “I don’t do anything.” But I was working twelve hours a day on all my projects. Amazing!

What is valid work? I know a woman who is a wonderful writer. I met her because she walks dogs for my neighbours in the apartment building where I live. We have the same daily schedule, so we often meet in the mornings and evenings when she’s making her dog runs. I join her, and we walk the dogs together. This is her profession, how she makes her money. Simultaneously, she’s also a really fine writer and probably has many other talents. Yet our society looks down on those who do such tasks as walking dogs for a living when they actually may also be involved in creative, nurturing, and service work.

What is work? There’s a story about the great thirteenth-century Zen master Ju-ching, who was once the sanitation officer at a monastery. In those days, the job of the sanitation officer was to shovel the shit. Back then, they had wooden toilets, and shit and piss would fall into tiled trenches below. Every week Ju-ching would go and clean out the trenches with buckets and take the manure to the garden. Then he’d wash the tiles with rags and brushes.

One time his teacher, Setcho, asked him, “How do you clean that which has never been soiled?” He was asking Ju-ching about himself.

Poor Ju-ching did not know how to answer. He kept practising with that question for a full year, during which time he continued cleaning toilets. Finally, Ju-ching went to his teacher and said, “I have hit upon that which has never been soiled.”

This would be a good question for each of us to ask ourselves: How do you clean that which has never been soiled? Finally, after much struggle, Ju-ching saw that there is no work that isn’t of high value. Shovelling shit is not soiled work any more than walking a dog is soiled work. He went to his teacher and said, “I have hit upon that which has never been soiled.” To this day, in all Zen communities, a tradition for practice leaders during retreats is to go out in the middle of the night and quietly, unobtrusively, clean the bathrooms and toilets.

What do you think about work? Is some work of value and some not? Are you “too busy”? Are you trying to get one thing “done” so you can get the next piece “done”? Are you anxious about, angry about, or resentful of your work? Do you neglect your work? Do you do it in an obsessive way or in a sloppy, careless manner? Do you think, If I work harder, I’ll be successful, and when I’m successful, I’ll get what I want? Do you think, This work is not what I am capable of, or deserving of, so I’m not going to give it my all?

In terms of our work, we often think we have to act a certain way all the time, that we have to force ourselves into some kind of way of producing rather than being alive to what is here and now. In doing that, we close off our possibilities. We lose our creativity, even our compassion. Too often we find ourselves stuck in a loop of narrowing attention, trying to find some success, some acknowledgement, and in so doing, we lose what we seek.

There is a fairy story from China that illustrates this. Once there was a young man who wanted to meet Kuan-yin, the bodhisattva of compassion. He began to meditate very hard, feeling that if he were successful, he would become fully enlightened; he would achieve his heart’s desire. As he was meditating, Kuan-yin walked by and noticed him. Smiling, she walked up and tapped him on the shoulder. The young man said, “Please don’t bother me right now. I’m looking for Kuan-yin.” Delighted, Kuan-yin tapped him on the shoulder again. “Go away,” the young man said. “I’m busy meditating. I’m looking for Kuan-yin.” So Kuan-yin shook her head sadly and walked away.

I think each of us can recognize ourselves in this young man. Pushing too hard, being too busy, we miss the very reality we seek. We miss our context: the presence of our coworkers, our materials, the changing environment of which we are a part.

There is such a difference between complete effort and striving. It is possible to be thoroughly involved in work and yet not be attached to the outcome, to be thoroughly connected to the effort without grasping for some “result” that exists only in the mind as a concept, an anxiety, a figment. How can we realise and recognise the subtle difference between obsession and involvement? How can we sharpen our perception?

Once there were two Zen disciples who were biological brothers as well as dharma brothers. They lived together at the same study centre. One day, as Daowu was sweeping the ground, his brother, Yunyan, passed by and said, “Too busy!” Daowu replied, “You should know there’s one who’s not busy.” Yunyan replied, “Oh, come on now, you’re saying that there are two moons!” With that, his brother Daowu held up the broom and said, “Which moon is this?”

Visualise this. I can just see Daowu sweeping, completely in the zone: focused, immersed in his action. And Yunyan is critical: “You are too busy!” Maybe he thinks that Daowu, like the young man in the previous story, is lost to what is here, that there is no leisurely element that is alive to all aspects of the moment. Thus, he is “too busy.”

Daowu replies, “You should know there’s one who’s not busy.” I picture him continuing with his sweeping. Daowu is saying, “Oh, the leisurely one is here. You just don’t see him.”

Very often we mistake activity for busyness, but that is not what is really there. What is there is complete immersion: self and broom and sweeping; self and child and play; self and computer and problem-solving. The trick is discerning the difference both in others and in ourselves. Sometimes looking out the window is active engagement and typing madly is not; sometimes the reverse is true. How can we tell the difference?

Yunyan says, “Oh, come on now, you’re saying that there are two moons.” He thinks he’s caught Daowu: “Aha! You’re saying there are two realities: the reality of your being busy and the reality of your being not-busy.”

In the Zen tradition, the moon in the sky stands for true reality, and the second moon — the one we see reflected in the water — is our idea of reality. Here, Yunyan is implying that when Daowu says there is one who is not busy, he is actually separating his sweeping activity from the concept of being one with the wholeness of life.

Daowu holds up the broom and says, “Which moon is this?” He brings it back to no-separation: even in our most involved, focused activity, right there is the balanced one, the leisurely one. It is in our actual activity, in our intimacy with all aspects of this moment, that we are whole.

Who has not felt, in a moment of great activity such as creating, serving, giving, or holding, both the energy and the aliveness of the activity and at the same time the leisure, the ease, the simple movement? It is not poky and not frenetic; it is the smooth and unhurried quality of doing each thing at exactly the right moment — not too fast, not too slow, but at just the right moment. It actually has nothing to do with fast or slow; it has to do with the whole body connecting to reality itself.

We heal, we listen, we hold a hand, we find a solution or a way around a difficult problem, we draw a line, we make a sound, we make a meal, we clean a space, we give an honest answer or a steady hand up. Sometimes just the presence of our body sitting with someone when they are down, blocked, upset, locked up, or dying (or even dead) is the full-on activity that is needed.

This is true intimacy with our work of the moment, an intimacy with who we are and what we do, whether we are cleaning toilets or waiting tables or designing software or making art or playing music or teaching or whatever. Just the other day I was watching a young man working the back of a garbage truck, swinging up and down from the truck, picking up sacks of garbage, and manipulating the controls of the compressor. His whole body was synchronised, like a dance — utter involvement, aliveness.

Of course, not all work is like this. There will always be little breaks in the intimacy: a headache; a cranky boss or coworker; a hangover; the arising of resentments and comparisons and craving ideas in our mind that create anxiety, frustration, and boredom. What might we do at such a time? Again, the strategy is to include everything, to turn toward, not away from, the conditions that are emerging. Take a breath. Check your body and mind, and look directly at the obstructions. What is it that is pulling you away from this very moment?

The “second moons” trip us up. What are we to do? Daowu shakes his broom, saying, “No! Right here in what I am doing right now is everything: me, broom, floor, all of life is right here, flowing around me.”

The garbage worker grabs the next bundle of trash.

Questions and Answers

Question: It seems like a lot of things that are impediments to intimacy with our work are things that our society tells us are good. Like, you should make money, but thinking about making money can be an impediment to intimacy with our work. Or you should know what you’re doing, but knowing what you’re doing can be an impediment. Or you should work as hard as you can, or you should relax and take it easy. It seems like these can all be impediments to being intimate with our work.

Roshi: Yes. Buddhism often refers to the openings to insight as “gates.” The gate can swing in two directions, so with something we usually consider a vice, maybe we just need to turn it another way. We can just turn something that keeps us “out” and open it as a way “in.” Sometimes it’s just our language. “Working too hard” is different from “complete effort,” and “slacking off ” is very different from “being at ease in our work.” We get so caught up in language that it can condition us.

Question: There are these tasks that I hate, and I find it’s really hard to remember that once I’m doing whatever it is, it’s fine. For example, I hate doing the laundry. It’s so hard for me to remember that once I’m doing the laundry, it’s not a problem.

Roshi: Yes, because it’s not doing the laundry anymore; it’s more like putting things into the washer and taking them out and folding them. That’s very different from doing the laundry.

The whole point of meditation is to take it from the cushion to the world, to bring your pristine mind meditation into everyday life.

-- Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche

Friday 25 March 2022


































Working with plants, trees, fences and walls, if they practise sincerely they will attain enlightenment.

-- Dogen

Thursday 24 March 2022

Debunking the Myth of Meditation

by Venerable Guan Cheng

Finding a meditation centre close to where you live is hardly a challenge these days — they are everywhere. There are even smartphone apps aimed at helping us meditate. With mindfulness studios and workshops springing up in major cities from San Francisco to New York, and London to Hong Kong, it is no wonder why this ancient practise has gone mainstream in our current era.

The media and the medical community have done much to showcase the benefits of a meditation practice. Mainstream culture has popularised meditation as a simple, cheap, no-frills approach to improving one’s health and mental well-being that is arguably much better than shelling out thousands of dollars for prescription drugs or long therapy sessions with a psychiatrist. There is also a plethora of scientific and medical studies that extol its many health and stress-reducing benefits. The scientific evidence is certainly convincing, perhaps accounting for why it has caught on so quickly in the secular sphere, among those holding to no religious faith or spiritual tradition. But with all the hype about people blissing out and getting “free, drugless highs” from meditation, one cannot help but wonder whether meditation is really what it is made out to be in the media and popular culture.


Meditation has its roots in Asia and dates back millennia. The earliest written records of meditation come from the Vedic scriptures in India, which places its origins at around 1500 BCE. While the meditative tradition continued to flourish in India for centuries, even spreading to Mesopotamia and China in its formative years, it was not until the Buddha’s enlightenment in the 6th century BCE and subsequent written records found in the Buddhist Pali Canon in the 1st century BCE that meditation began to play a prominent role in spiritual tradition and practice. The word for meditation in Sanskrit is bhavana, which means developing or cultivating. The essence of meditation lies in developing the mental qualities that free the mind of ignorance and delusion, which form the basis of the suffering and insecurities of life experienced in samsara. Samsara is a Sanskrit term that means “wandering.” It refers to the world in which we live: an endless state of wandering through cycles of life and death.


The Buddha underwent six years of ascetic practise before he achieved full deliverance from samsara and resolved the perennial problem of suffering. From the sutras and his teachings, we know that the path to his awakening was hardly smooth sailing, but fraught with trials and hardships. Even at the end of his journey, in the critical moments before his supreme awakening, he was forced into a final confrontation with his mental defilements of craving, hatred, and delusion. When he finally severed his last remaining strand of attachment to this world, he realised the true nature of reality and became fully enlightened as the Buddha. The Noble Eightfold Path was his way. Heedfulness and perseverance, among others, were his valuable companions. For the Buddha, the path was not at about pursuing eternal glory or divine bliss. The path was a raw and intimate process of self-discovery, a profound investigation of the nature of mind and a brave unravelling of the mysteries of human suffering.


In his book A Path with Heart (1993), the renowned Western meditation teacher Jack Kornfield wrote, “True maturation on the spiritual path requires that we discover the depth of our wounds: our grief from the past, unfulfilled longing, the sorrow that we have stored up during the course of our lives.” His teacher, Ajahn Chah, put it more bluntly: “If you haven’t cried deeply a number of times, your meditation hasn’t really begun.”

Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not just about entering into blissful trances to make us feel good about ourselves. Yes, with enough practice, these states will come, but there is more. At its very core, it is a courageous endeavour to confront our deepest wounds and fears. It is the willingness to open up our hearts to embrace the full force of our destructive emotions and inner conflicts. True meditation is a softening of the heart, a breaking away of the thick crust of painful and conflicting emotions that conceal the core of our being. It is the work of cleansing our deepest emotions and attachments. This cathartic process, before being complete, must be repeated over and over again, each time shedding a deeper layer of ignorance that obscures the natural luminosity of the heart. In Chan Buddhism, it is commonly referred to as “the all-embracing death” (大死一番), death not of the physical body, but of the self-made delusion of existence. It is death followed by renewal, repeated until we completely shed all ignorance binding us to samsara.


When we train our minds through meditation, we are plumbing the depths of our innermost emotions and entrenched habits. As this process unfolds, we will often see things we never knew we had. There may be intense feelings of grief, anger, fear, anxiety, and unfulfilled desires that had been largely hidden from us in the past, but are the source of our internal struggles and lingering disappointments in life. Meditation gives us a safe, controlled mental environment in which to dredge up these old emotions and memories, and the tools to investigate them under the microscope of loving-kindness, awareness, and understanding. It allows us to deeply experience the rawness of our emotional energies, unsullied by the storylines we are accustomed to giving it, and to clearly see the nature of all things created by our minds.

When we realise, not through intellectual analysis, but through experiential learning, that the fundamental qualities of our emotions and thoughts are unsatisfactory, impermanent and without a self, a profound transformation begins to take place that gently releases us from the bonds of our deepest conflicts and attachments.


Meditation, in its true form, is not only a self-improvement tool used to bolster self-esteem or to calm one’s mind. Rather, it is the fearless path of developing qualities of the heart that help us to embrace, with love and understanding, our most difficult wounds and sorrows. Rather than running away from our difficult emotions, meditation allows us to confront them head-on, with unremitting courage and perseverance, opening them up long enough in the warmth of our embrace to see their true nature. This is the essence of Buddhist meditation, and the path leading to true happiness and freedom.

Through the change of state of the skandha of form, mastery over [pure buddha] realms, kāyas, the excellent major and minor marks, infinite voices, and the invisible mark on the crown of the head [is attained]. 

-- Asanga

Wednesday 23 March 2022
















We cannot eliminate all of the challenges or obstacles in life — our own or anyone else’s. We can only learn to rise to the occasion and face them. Shantideva suggests that we need to cultivate a “Can do! Why not? No problem!” kind of attitude toward our neuroses and obstacles in order to overcome them. If we have no confidence, we’ll already be defeated.

-- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Karma in Simple Explanation

Source: KMSPKS

Karma (Sanskrit) or Kamma (Pali) is one of the most profound of Buddhism’s core teachings. "Karma" refers to the actions done by our body, speech and mind. We may find karma difficult to understand as the ripening of karmic fruits is not instantaneous and may happen in our present life or even in one of our future lifetimes. As quoted in Buddhist teachings, “everything we do, even if it’s just spitting in the dust, brings consequences”.

The law of karma can also be explained as the law of cause and effect. The effect of karma, manifesting as our body, appearance, parentage, present life’s friends and relatives, overall situation of life, state of mind including thoughts and emotions etc, are the results of the actions we did in the past. The present we are experiencing is the fruition of our past actions performed either in our present or past lifetimes.

Our future can be determined by every action we do in the present, and this is known as the cause. Explained simply, if our actions are virtuous, the karmic results will be positive; whereas, if the actions are unvirtuous, the karmic outcomes will be negative. These outcomes can affect our practice, while positive ones put us in a favourable position to change ourselves for the better, negative ones create obstacles making the path more difficult to progress.

As the Buddha said, “Intention, I tell you, is karma. Intending, one does karma by way of body, speech and intellect.” (AN 6.63). Our intentions are the determining factor on whether an action will result in positive or negative karma. It is important to assess and reflect on our intentions, though it is not easy as we have a natural tendency to hide the real motives from ourselves and others. Ignorance of our true motivations will not excuse nor relieve us from the karmic consequences that arise from our actions.

The understanding of karma is important to train ourselves to be mindful by reflecting on our intentions before we take any action with our body, speech and mind that may cause suffering to ourselves and others. We can all work towards becoming kind, compassionate and generous people where our intentions and actions do not cause harm nor suffering to ourselves and others.

Entering a dark room, someone mistakes a rope on the floor for a snake and is terrified. If they are told at that moment that what they see is just a rope and not a snake, their fear might abate but not disappear entirely, for they might still have doubts. If they turn on the light and see with their own eyes that it is indeed a rope, they will completely be rid of fear.

Likewise, we suffer from samsaric existence because we take dependently arising and transient things as real. Hearing about the Buddha's teaching on selflessness and knowing in theory that the origin of suffering is our attachment to a self, we nevertheless continue to suffer from afflictions. This suffering can only cease when we realise the nature of selflessness.

-- Khenpo Sherab Zangpo Rinpoche

Monday 21 March 2022











Ordinary people are obscured by ignorance, and consider the non-existent as real and substantial, thus generating unending attachment, afflictions, and suffering… Truthfully speaking, this is utterly a trap of one’s own making, creating one’s own suffering.

-- His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche