Sunday 31 December 2017















There is only one mind. It is not that there are two minds, one recognising the other. In the very moment of recognising, it is like a knot that is untied. We don’t have to do anything further than that. Leave it untied... We have already arrived at where we need to arrive at, we are already in the nature of mind.

-- Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Saturday 30 December 2017

Love and Emptiness

by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

What is buddhahood? It is the attaining of egolessness. But what are we realising the egolessness of?

According to the Theravada school of Buddhism, if we attain egolessness of self, we realise nirvana, enlightenment. This is a common approach: to attain enlightenment for oneself. But when we have discovered the emptiness of the self, what is left? The other. In the Mahayana school, the “Great Path,” egolessness of other is one of the most profound teachings.

The self has no entity in itself, but it believes it does. Its nature is that it spreads. Wherever it goes it pervades; whatever it encounters it begins to absorb as “I.” For example, when we are born, somehow our consciousness has been able to transfer from our previous life into this body, which exists only in a temporary way. Once we came into this body, we thought, “Hmm, not bad. It’s not mine, but I’ll make it mine.” And once we got used to our body, we immediately began thinking: my mother, my father, my house. Then my city, my state, my country, my planet, and so forth.

Ego has no boundary. It can go on continuously, appropriating other. When we come in contact with something, initially we look at it in a neutral way; we see it as belonging to somebody else, or maybe belonging to no one. If we see a tree, we don’t automatically think, “My tree.” Then we build a house next to it — and after a while, we think, “My tree.” This happens in any situation. When we buy an article of clothing, at first it feels foreign, but then it begins to feel familiar as my shirt. It is other, but the ego is constantly solidifying it as self.

The Mahayana teaches that complete egolessness comes about only when we have understood egolessness of other as well as the egolessness of self. There are two approaches in terms of how to practice the Mahayana: the direct path and the gradual path. On the direct path, we recognise the empty nature of self and other on the spot. On the gradual path, we recognise the nature of things progressively: First we recognise the self as empty. Then we recognise other to be empty. Then we recognise things to be the mind, and that this mind itself is empty.

These teachings direct us toward helping other sentient beings, because being able to help others is grounded in having discovered the emptiness of the self. So Mahayana logic is that we begin to flip from self to other.

A crucial element of the Mahayana is the bodhichitta practice of tonglen, “sending and taking.” In Tibetan, tong means “to send,” and len means “to get.” With a basic understanding of this practice, we begin to draw in the pain of others and send out goodness.

We can practice this exchange in many ways. For instance, we can do it specifically for someone who is ill, taking in that person’s suffering and claustrophobia and breathing out spaciousness. We do that by visualising the inbreath as heavy and the outbreath as light, drawing in negative energy and sending out love.

At first it is important that we take this dualistic approach, because we can use what we see “out there” to incite compassion “in here.” In the same way, it is good that we have emotions, because then we have something to work with. With our breath, we can take in aggression and give out peace. We can breathe in pain and breathe out relief. That’s why human birth is so precious: it provides us with the attributes to go on the path.

Scholars and yogis have divided the ego into fifty-one levels of thought patterns and emotions. They’re listed in several categories, including universal patterns such as form and feeling, occasional patterns such as rapture, unwholesome patterns such as recklessness and lack of shame, and wholesome patterns like faith, love, and compassion.

Love and compassion are wholesome because when we experience them — even at an ordinary level — some kind of openness takes place. Those emotions are a fault line of the ego — when we feel them, the ego breaks down a little and we begin to see that our sense of “me” is not airtight. Even though love is an emotion and is often connected with someone we want, or who makes us happy, it contains some quality of relaxing and letting go. Compassion works in the same way, poking holes in the seeming solidity of self and other. 

Tonglen is a very potent practice that helps us develop confidence in kindness and compassion. It brings sanity to us and to others because it provides a practical way of working with our mind. For example, if we are calmly practicing tonglen for someone who is close to us, we are not spinning out of control with worry about what could happen to them. Therefore, the meditation is a way to actually bring some sanity to us and the other person.

When we begin to do tonglen practice, the question arises: who or what is sending out, and who is taking in? Through practicing mindfulness, or shamatha, we have established peace. Now, through practicing insight, or vipashyana, we begin to develop wisdom. We begin to realise that we can’t actually find the mind we have tamed. Where exactly is it? Is the mind in the body? Is it in the eyes? Is it in the feelings? Where is the mind that is following the breath? Where is it coming from? Where is it going? Where is its space? We can’t really say that it’s here or it’s there. Nevertheless, there is definitely a process of experiencing being here — experiencing wildness of mind, and experiencing peace. Where is that peace? If I’m meditating, I feel tranquil. Where is that tranquility?

As we progress in our meditation, emptiness becomes more apparent. Emptiness means that there is no inherent existence. Emptiness and egolessness are very similar in that way. Emptiness is empty of our assumptions, and it is full of compassion. We realise that assumptions are the basis of most of our experiences, and we discover that the mind and the world are actually empty of those assumptions. Discovering our selfless nature is freedom.

Sometimes we misunderstand emptiness to mean that nothing exists, which is nihilism. A more accurate perspective is that without emptiness, we cannot have form, and without form we cannot have emptiness. They are inseparable. Exchanging self for other, we realise the self is empty. Then we realise that other is empty, too. That is how true giving and taking can happen. Exchanging oneself for other is the point where relative and absolute truth meet. The whole notion of self and other starts dissolving. If there’s somebody sending, who’s receiving?

As our meditation progresses, we begin to see egolessness — we can’t find any inherent thing. Compassion seems endless and boundless, but where does compassion come from? Where does insight come from? Where is this mind? Actually, we all have the capacity to know, but we can’t completely understand unless we practice meditation. Mind is empty and luminous: this is its nature. The Mahayana teachings say that with the right view, we can utilise certain aspects of our emotions in order to bring out this natural wisdom. As we develop love and compassion through the practice of tonglen, glimmers of wisdom begin to shine through.

If the meditator is able to use whatever occurs in his life as the path, his body becomes a retreat hut.

-- Jigme Lingpa

Friday 29 December 2017












It is clearly mentioned in the lam-rim that there isn’t a Dharma to be learned and studied and another Dharma to be practised. To think of the Dharma in this way is wrong. It is a huge mistake… Whatever we have learned is meant for practice and whatever we practise is what we have learned.

-- Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

Thursday 28 December 2017

Compassion as the Source of Happiness

by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama


We are here; we exist and we have the right to exist. Even non-sentient beings like flowers have the right to exist. If negative force is exerted against them, then, on a chemical level, flowers repair themselves to survive. But more than that, we human beings including insects, even amoebas, the smallest beings are considered sentient beings. And as sentient beings, we have even more mechanisms to help us survive.

Things that can move under their own will or desire, that’s what a “sentient being” means, according to the discussions that I’ve had with scientists. “Sentient” doesn’t necessarily mean being conscious or being human on a conscious level. Actually it’s difficult to define what “consciousness” or “conscious” means. Usually it means the clearest aspect of the mind, but then, is it that there is no consciousness when we are semiconscious or unconscious? Do insects have it? Maybe it’s better to speak of “cognitive faculty” rather than consciousness.

In any case, the main point that we are referring to here by cognitive faculty is the ability to experience feelings: pain, pleasure, or neutral feelings. Actually, pleasure and pain, and happiness and unhappiness, are things that we need to examine in more depth. For example, every sentient being has the right to survive and, for survival, this means having a desire for happiness or comfort: that’s why sentient beings strive to survive. Therefore, our survival is based on hope – hope for something good: happiness. Because of that, I always conclude that the purpose of life is happiness. With hope and a happy feeling, our body feels well. Therefore, hope and happiness are positive factors for our health. Health depends on a happy state of mind.

Anger, on the other hand, is based on a sense of insecurity and brings us fear. When we encounter something good, we feel safe. When something threatens us, we feel insecure and then we become angry. Anger is a part of the mind that defends itself from what harms our survival. But anger itself makes us feel bad and so, ultimately, it is bad for our health.

Attachment is an element that is helpful for survival. So, even a plant, without any conscious element, still has some chemical aspect that causes it to protect itself and helps its growth. Our body, on a physical level, is the same. But, as humans, our body also has a positive element on the emotional level that brings us to have attachment to someone or attachment to our own happiness. Anger, on other hand, with its element of causing harm, pushes us away from things including happiness. On a physical level, the pleasure that happiness brings is good for the body; while anger and the unhappiness it causes is harmful. Therefore, from the perspective of the pursuit of survival, the purpose of life is to have a happy life.

This is the basic human level that I am speaking about; I am not speaking about the religious, secondary level. On the religious level, of course there are different explanations of the purpose of life. The secondary aspect is actually quite complicated; therefore, it is better to talk just on the basic human level.


Since our goal and the purpose of life is happiness, what is happiness? Sometimes physical suffering can even bring a deeper sense of satisfaction like with an athlete after a grueling workout. So “happiness” means mainly a sense of deep satisfaction. The object of life or our goal, then, is satisfaction.

Happiness, sadness or suffering – for these, there are two levels: a sensorial level and a mental level. The sensorial level is common with tiny mammals, even insects – a fly.  In a cold climate, when the sun comes out, a fly shows a happy aspect: it flies around nicely. In a cold room, it slows down: it shows a sign of sadness. But, if there is a sophisticated brain, then there is even a stronger sense of sensorial pleasure. In addition, though, our sophisticated brain is the largest in size and, therefore, we also have intelligence.

Consider the case of humans who feel no physical threats. They have a happy, comfortable life, good friends, salary, and name. But, even then, we notice that some millionaires, for example – they feel that they are an important part of society, but often these people as persons are very unhappy persons. On a few occasions I have met very rich, influential people who showed a very troubled sense that, deep inside, they had a feeling of loneliness, stress and worry. So, on the mental level, they have suffering.

We have a marvelous intelligence, so the mental level of our experience is more dominant than is the physical level. Physical pain can be minimized or subdued by it. As a small example, some time ago I developed a serious illness. It was very painful in my intestines. At that time, I was in Bihar, the poorest state of India and I passed through Bodh Gaya and Nalanda. There, I saw many very poor children. They were collecting cow dung. They had no education facilities and I felt very sad. Then, near Patna, the capital of the state, I had a lot of pain and sweating. I noticed one old sick person, one sick man, wearing white cloth, very, very dirty. No one was taking care of that person; it was really very sad. That night in my hotel room, my physical pain was very severe, but my mind was thinking of those children and that old man. That concern greatly reduced my physical pain.

Take for example those who train for the Olympic Games. They do very vigorous training, and no matter how much pain and hardship they experience, on the mental level they have happiness. Therefore, the mental level is more important than physical experience. Therefore, what is really important in life is happiness and satisfaction.


Now, what are the causes of happiness? I think that since this body element goes well with a calm mind, not with a disturbed mind, therefore a calm mind is very important. It doesn’t matter our physical situation, mental calmness is most important. So, how can we bring about a calm mind?

Now, to get rid of all problems, that would be impractical; and to make the mind dull and forget about our problems, that doesn’t work either. We have to look clearly at our problems and deal with them, but at the same time keep a calm mind so that we have a realistic attitude and we are able to treat them well, deal with them well.

As for those who take tranquillizers – well, I have no experience. I don’t know if, at the time when people take tranquillizers, their intelligence is sharp or dull; I have to ask. For example, in 1959, when I was in Mussoorie, my mother or maybe it was somebody else was disturbed and had a lot of anxiety: the sleep was disturbed. The doctor explained that there were some drugs that they could take, but this would make the mind a little dull. I thought at that time that that’s not good. On one side, you have a little calmness of mind, but on the other side, if the effect is dullness, this is no good. I prefer another way. I prefer having the intelligence fully functional and attentive and alert, but not disturbed. Undisturbed mental calmness is best.

For this, compassionate human affection is really important: the more compassionate our mind is, the better our brain functions. If our mind develops fear and anger, then when that happens, our brain functions more poorly. On one occasion I met a scientist who was over eighty years old. He gave me one of his books. I think it was called We Are Prisoners of Anger, something like that. While discussing his experience, he said that when we develop anger toward an object, the object appears very negatively. But ninety per cent of that negativeness is in our mental projection. This was from his own experience.

Buddhism says the same. When negative emotion develops, we can’t see reality. When we need to make a decision and the mind is dominated by anger; then chances are, we will make the wrong decision. No one wants to make a wrong decision, but at that moment, the part of our intelligence and brain that functions to differentiate right from wrong and make the best decision, that works very poorly. Even great leaders experience it like that.

Therefore, compassion and affection help the brain to function more smoothly. 

Secondarily, compassion gives us inner strength; it gives us self-confidence and that reduces fear, which, in turn, keeps our mind calm. Therefore, compassion has two functions: it causes our brain to function better and it brings inner strength. These, then, are the causes of happiness. I feel it is like that.

Now other faculties, of course, are also good for happiness. Everybody likes money, for example. If we have money, then we can enjoy good facilities. Usually, we consider these the topmost important things, but I think it’s not like that. Material comfort can come through physical effort, but mental comfort has to come through mental effort. If we go to a shop and offer money to the shopkeeper and say that we want to buy peace of mind, they will say they have nothing to sell. Many shopkeepers will feel that this is something mad and they will laugh at us. Some injection or pill can maybe bring temporary happiness or calmness of mind, but not at the fullest level. We can see with the example of counseling that we need to tackle emotions through discussion and reasoning. Thus, we must use a mental approach. Therefore whenever I give talks, I say that we modern people think too much of external development. If we pay attention only to that level, that’s not enough. Genuine happiness and satisfaction must come from within.

The basic elements for that are compassion and human affection, and these come from biology. As an infant, our survival depends solely on affection. If affection is there, we feel safe. If it’s not there, we feel anxiety and insecure. If we become separated from our mother, we cry. If we are in our mother’s arms and held tight, warmly, then we feel happy and we’re quiet. As a baby, this is a biological factor. One scientist for instance, my teacher, a biologist who is involved with anti-nuclear violence – he told me that after birth, a mother’s physical touch for several weeks is very important for enlarging the baby’s brain and development. It brings a feeling of safety and comfort and this leads to proper development of physical growth, including the brain.

So, the seed of compassion and affection is not something that comes from religion: it comes from biology. We each came from our mother’s womb and each of us survived due to our mother’s care and affection. In the Indian tradition, we consider birth from a lotus in a pure land. That sounds very nice, but perhaps the people there have more affection for lotuses than for people. So being born from a mother’s womb is better. Then we are already equipped with the seed of compassion. So, those are the causes of happiness.

When selflessness is seen in objects, the seed of cyclic existence is destroyed.

-- Aryadeva

Wednesday 27 December 2017
























The more Buddhism you have practiced, the more modest you should be; the more you know, the less arrogant you should be; with greater knowledge, you should show increased humbleness. For example, you should treat people equally and respectfully even when you talk to a beggar.

-- Droge Yonten Gyatso Rinpoche

Tuesday 26 December 2017

What is Dharma?

by Reginald A. Ray

The Sanskrit word “dharma” is without doubt the most important and most commonly used term in Buddhism. Among the three jewels of buddha, dharma and sangha in which all Buddhists take refuge, the dharma is pre-eminent. It is a realisation of the dharma that produces buddhas and it is the dharma that provides the pretext for the sangha (community) and binds it together.

But what does the word “dharma” actually mean? This is a particularly fascinating term, because it includes and integrates several levels of experience, from our first moment on the path to the achievement of full realisation.


In the early Theravadin texts, Buddha Shakyamuni is reported to have remarked that the dharma is always present, whether or not there is a buddha to preach it or a sangha to practice it. Dharma in this sense is the underlying, substratum of reality-of our lives and of our world. It is the ultimate and primordial fact of who and what we are.

It is the goal of all Buddhists to uncover this “true nature,” as it is called-not just to glimpse it, but to be able to rest in it, identify with it, and forget any other “self” that we may have imagined. In such a realisation, we see that what we most essentially are has no beginning and no end, and expresses itself in universal love.

Is this eternal dharma inaccessible to us ordinary people? Not at all. In fact, it is always hovering at the periphery of our consciousness, whether we are Buddhists or not, or whether or not we have any apparent interest in spirituality at all.


The Buddhist scholar Th. Stcherbatsky wrote an early, influential book entitled The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word “Dharma.” In this work, the author tells us that dharma is the basis of our ordinary existence-of the multitude of thoughts, perceptions, and occurrences that make up our experience as human beings.

Here, a distinction needs to be made between our concepts of what ordinary reality is, our preconceptions and wishful thinking, and its raw, implacable facticity. Dharma in this second sense is what is so in our lives, whether we like it or not, whether we wish for it or not, whether we expect it or not. Sudden illness, the breakdown of a relationship, and unexpected death are all expressions of the breakthrough of dharma in this sense. But so also are the light that fails to go on when we flip the switch, the unanticipated phone call, the surprising joy of seeing a newborn child. And so is the sudden shock of seeing someone else as more-or less-than we thought.

All such events bring us up short. They reveal just how much we have been locked up a dream of our own making, a dream of who we are and what the world is like. They wake us up, if only for a moment. It is in this sense that the great Tibetan master Atisha tells us that, “All dharma agrees at one point.” All that occurs, when seen in its own light and from its own side (dharma), proclaims the unreality of our fixed notions of ourselves and our world. The dharma as phenomena is thus finally not distinct from the eternal dharma. The nakedness and starkness of phenomena, as they are, represent the breakthrough of the eternal dharma into our lives.


How we respond to the disruption and destabilisation caused by the eternal dharma, as it shows up in the experiences of our lives, is a matter of choice.

For example, we may fall into avoidance and denial, seeking to reconstitute our solidity, comfort and security. Or we may see in the dharma a harbinger of ultimate reality, and turn to it as the path. The first approach leads us to deny what we have seen and to pretend things are otherwise. This results in to further bondage, to increased confusion, negative karma, and suffering. The second leads, to recall the words of the Theravadin meditation teacher Ayya Khema, not to the elimination of suffering but to the gradual dissolution of the one who suffers.

In the beginning, the path is difficult and painful: through meditation and the other Buddhist disciplines, we train by bringing ourselves back again and again to the uncomfortable edge of the dharma, to the ambiguity and groundlessness of the present moment. In time, however, we find in such returns solace and relief. At this point, in Trungpa Rinpoche’s felicious phrasing, the path of dharma begins to unroll naturally and effortlessly beneath our feet.


Finally, in its most concrete sense, the dharma is the teachings delivered by the Buddha and added to by countless generations of accomplished and realised men and women. This dharma describes, points to, and evokes the eternal dharma as it appears in our unadorned and uninterpreted life experience.

Originally and most essentially, the dharma teachings were the words spoken and sung by the realised ones. Sutras, the words of the Buddha, always begin “Thus have I heard” not “Thus have I read.” In the same way that one could not expect to become a world-class pianist simply by reading piano manuals or a cook simply by reading cookbooks, one must receive the dharma teachings by hearing them from a teacher. To learn the dharma, we must hear the nuances and subtleties; we must experience the eloquence and the flights of those steeped in living understanding and realisation.

It is said that the Buddha and the later teachers tailored their discourses to the specific needs of their listeners. They spoke the reality of dharma in a form that could communicate to their listeners. This “tailoring” was not, we may be certain, particularly deliberate or self-conscious.

When teachers give voice to dharma nowadays, they often draw on textual tradition. But at the same time, the words that form in their minds, the images, analogies and logic, are drawn from the atmosphere, they are reflections of and address everyone in the room, and they express the unique configuration of reality that exists in that moment.

The spoken dharma is infinitely more nuanced, evocative, and communicative than anything written could be. It carries an abundant and pregnant burden of meaning that is instantly received in its totality by the listeners. Hearing Sri Lankan, Zen or Tibetan monks chant a Buddhist sutta is an entirely different experience from reading it in print. Through the recitation, a world is suddenly opened and we are immesed in an atmosphere and a feeling that are complete.

In listening the dharma, it is not so unusual to hear a teacher describe a scene, say, from the life of the Buddha, and to find ourselves, before the description is half begun, feeling the coolness of the Indian night and smelling its rich, sweet and pungent scents. It is true that, beginning the in the first century BCE, the dharma began to be written down and now exists in tens of thousands of pages in the various Asian canons. At the same time, it is important to remember that the dharma as teaching is most fundamentally a spoken truth, of which the written word is an analogue and a support.

Particularly for Western Buddhists, the written word is often the initial gate to the vast world of dharma within. Often a book leads us to encounter a Buddhist teacher from whom we may hear the dharma in oral form. Often that teacher encourages us to undertake the path, engaging in the practice of meditation. This, in turn, begins to lay bare the raw and rugged character of our ordinary lives. As we make a fuller and fuller acquaintance with our lives, we may begin to sense the background of awareness that runs like a thread through all our experience. As our sense of this awareness-known as buddhanature-deepens, we begin to realise that, more than anything else, this is who we most fundamentally are and always have been.

At this point, we have journeyed from seeing that dharma as an interesting book to discovering the eternal dharma as the final truth of our own inherent nature. The entire path, then, is encompassed and summarised in this single word.

Timeless spontaneity, forever present, is created by no-one; it is the pure mind that like a wish-fulfilling gem is the origin of all our samsara and nirvana.

-- Longchenpa

Monday 25 December 2017














Through the limitless merit I have created by expounding the precious doctrine of the Universal Way, may all beings become perfectly receptive to this true and precious teaching.

-- Asanga

Sunday 24 December 2017

Supplication to Padmasambhava 2 of 2

by Russell Rodgers

O Jetsün Guru Rinpoche,
Refuge of all beings in the three realms, Consider your vow.
Dispel outer, inner and secret obstacles.

Jetsün is an honorific term for especially revered gurus. The three realms refer to the realm in which we live, and the form and formless god realms. These latter two are accessed in some meditation experiences, but are regarded as not being particularly spiritually relevant to our path.

Outer obstacles are obstacles in the environment, such as not having enough money to attend a dharma program. Inner obstacles refer to the physical sicknesses and conflicting emotions that happen in one’s own person. Secret obstacles have to do with the loss of one’s awareness of sacred outlook. When this loss happens, one can fall into confused projections of self and other, friend and enemy, good and bad.

When the pure four truths are propagated…..

The pure four truths refer to the “Four Noble Truths”: The first is the truth that the human condition is marked by perpetual dissatisfaction, suffering and anxiety. The second refers to the source of that condition: the belief in a self and the web of concepts that are created around that. The third truth is that one is sometimes released momentarily, just long enough so that one realises that suffering, anxiety and dissatisfaction are unnecessary. The fourth is the truth of the path: how to stabilise that release from suffering.

If misfortunes of malicious maras arise….

Maras are seductive spirits: personifications of four basic neurotic tendencies. First is skandha-mara, the seduction of belief in a solid, permanent, unitary self. Klesha-mara refers to the seduction of confused emotions, and believing them to be the truth about reality. Devaputra-mara is the unbalanced pursuit of pleasure and accompanying ignorance of the signals of pain. Attachment to blissful states of meditation is part of this mara. Yama-mara is death, which interrupts one’s practice unless one knows how to include death as path. This mara is also connected with the fear of death, or simply the fear of losing reference points and experiencing groundlessness. Losing ground, or the fear of it, is at the root of much neurosis.

O Guru Shakya Senge,
Dispel outer, inner, and secret obstacles.

Padmasambhava had different names at different periods of his life. These names reflected the kind of energy that he was manifesting at that time. Shakya Senge (Tibetan for “lion of the Shakya clan”) was the name that he was given when he received ordination. Although he was said to be enlightened from birth, in this phase he demonstrated the importance of relating to the monastic tradition. As Shakya Senge, he appears in iconography wearing monk’s robes, sitting in lotus posture, holding a begging bowl in his left hand and a vajra in the right. Sakya Senge shows Guru Rinpoche’s mastery and protection of the foundation teachings of the dharma.

When the bodhichitta path of aspiring and entering is propagated,
If there arise misfortunes of mãras causing one to harm others,

The bodhichitta path refers to the Mahayana. At first we “aspire” to awaken our hearts towards others. This aspiration is formalised with the bodhisattva vow. We actually “enter” that path when we begin to practice the six paramitas. The paramitas are practices based on enlightened activities. Our basic inspiration may come from a brief glimpse of natural, spontaneous awakened heart, but our practice of that may feel somewhat awkward and artificial because we have conceptualised projection of what compassion and emptiness are. Through practice, we get closer and gradually “enter” into genuine, spontaneous, non-conceptual awakened heart. At this point, we are able to practice the paramitas fully.

O Guru Loden Choksi,
Dispel outer, inner, and secret obstacles.

The name “Loden Choksi” was given to Padmasambhava after he had studied under many vajra masters and accomplished many Vajrayana practices. He became the guru of the king of Sahor in India. Loden Choksi is depicted in royal robes, wearing a white turban on his head and a mirror around his neck. Through his miraculous ability to deal with whatever threats, difficulties, and obstacles arose, Loden Choksi manifested invincibility. Whatever obstacles arose, these became adornments for him.

When the chariot of vajrayãna
Is brought into the world,
If the perverted aspirations of barbarians run rampant…..

The Vajrayana teachings are powerful: they accept the world as it is, within self-existing sacredness and non-ego. Sometimes people pervert these teachings out of a desire to capture the power of Vajrayana by twisting the teachings to enhance ego. One common way to twist the teachings is to say that since everything is sacred, it doesn’t matter what one does. In this case, there is usually a lot of ego happening on the side of the person doing the action, and a lack of understanding of karma and compassion. In this case sacredness or basic goodness is not based on pure nowness, but on a concept of sacredness or basic goodness.

….O Guru Dorje Trolö,
Dispel outer, inner, and secret obstacles.

Dorje Trolö is a wrathful manifestation of Padmasambhava, with a red face and three eyes, biting his lower lip with his fangs, wielding a vajra in his right hand and a phurba (three bladed dagger) in his left, standing on a pregnant tigress. Both he and Senge Dradrok are crazy wisdom forms; they transmute the poisonous confusion of samsara into spontaneous wisdom activity. In The Sadhana of Mahamudra, the form and the activity of Dorje Trolö is unified with that of Karma Pakshi, the second Karmapa. Dorje Trolö is the form that Padmasambhava manifested when he came to Tibet and encountered Tibetan religion and culture, which was much more earthy than the Indian religion of the time. However, that culture still had a dualistic relationship between man and the gods, and between man and the external world. Dorje Trolö, because he lived in non-duality himself, exploded this duality through his own example. He also left “terma,” teachings that were not appropriate during his time, but would be at a later date. The Vidyadhara found several of these in the form of yellow scrolls when he was still a teenager in Tibet. The Sadhana of Mahamudra is an example of a terma, although the Vidyadhara discovered it without the aid of a written text.

When the three yãnas of the excellent Great Eastern Sun Are propagated and established,

If mãra-hordes of gyalgongs and senmos gather,
O Guru Senge Dradok,
Dispel outer, inner, and secret obstacles.

Usually, the three yãnas refer to the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana. Putting them in the context of the “Great Eastern Sun” highlights these in a different light. In this case it refers to the Shambhala teachings for creating an enlightened society, based on fundamental human dignity and wisdom. Guru Senge Dradok (Tibetan for “Lion’s Roar”): is another wrathful manifestation of Padmasambhava. He appears as a defender of the dharma and great magician: dark blue, with three eyes, fangs, trampling on human corpses, wearing a tiger skin skirt, hair streaming upwards, with a crown of five small skulls and a necklace of human heads, surrounded by flames of wisdom and wrathful compassion.

Trungpa Rinpoche commented that, when presented with a problem based on some kind of misunderstanding of reality, Senge Dradruk was not afraid to meet those who were presenting the problem, on their own ground. He did not try to block them. Instead, mixing his presence with theirs had the effect of accelerating the natural course of problem towards dissolution. This happens because confusion is based on concepts, and concepts need to be maintained by effort in the face of actual reality. Since he was not attached to the “this-ness” of himself, he wasn’t afraid of the “that-ness” of the world. The chant specifically mentions gyalgongs, or “monk demons,” who provoke competitive aggression by perverting the dharma with their analytical preconceptions. They transform dharmic vision into politics and sectarian strife. Senmos are female demons who seduce the practitioner into samsaric passion through sensual fascination.

Just as at Hepo Hill at glorious Samye,
You bound by oath devas and rãkshasas,
So utterly destroy these obstacles of mãras.
Consider well your former vow of compassion.
Destroy outer, inner, and secret obstacles.
Dispel the döns who bring darkness to the world.

Samye was the first monastery built in Tibet. During the building of the monastery, there were many misfortunes and obstacles. It seemed as though what was built in the day was being dismantled at night by devas and rãkshasas – gods and demons. Padmasambhava was invited to turn things around, and he did it in such a way that the environmental situation began to work for, rather than against the building of the monastery. Hepo Hill is near Samye, where Padmasambhava tamed the local deities who were interfering with the establishment of dharma in Tibet. Döns are malicious spirits whose attacks are associated with lack of mindfulness on the part of the practitioner.

O Mahaguru, compassionate one,
There is no other hope but you.
Please issue your command to the ocean of dharmapãlas
So they will destroy all obstacles without exception.

Because Padmasambhava had tamed the obstructing spirits and energies to the service of the dharma, they became dharmapãlas, or protectors of teachings. We might wonder what that means for our own culture.

This life of leisure is even more precious than a wish-granting jewel; that I have found such an existence is only this once; so hard to find yet like a flash of lightning it is easy to vanish; contemplating this situation it’s vital to realise that all mundane pursuits are like the empty grain husks floating in the winds and that we must extract the essence of human existence. I, a yogi, have practiced in this manner; You, who aspire for liberation, too should do likewise.

-- Lama Tsongkhapa

Saturday 23 December 2017







无所谓“得”,也无所谓“失”,所谓的得失只是我们内心的感受,内心对外境的一种判断:我们把它与自我联系起来,产生“我所有”的一种执著,就认为自己得 到了什么,反之就觉得自己失去了什么,从而产生喜怒哀乐。譬如有人得到了一颗宝石,欣喜若狂,实际上等他死了,宝石还在,并不属于他。



























There are two ways of seeing everything, the perfect way and the false way, So each and everything that can ever be found holds two natures within. And what does perfect seeing see? It sees the suchness of all things. And false seeing sees the relative truth – this is what the perfect Buddha said.

-- Chandrakirti

Friday 22 December 2017

Supplication to Padmasambhava 1 of 2

by Russell Rodgers

Buddhism’s tremendous success in Tibet can be traced to the activities of an eighth century Indian yogi named Padmasambhava, known by Tibetans as “Guru Rinpoche.” His story is important for us here in the modern West because it illustrates how Buddhism can enter and tame a foreign culture. In his case, the new culture was Tibet. In our case, it is us. The founder of Shambhala Buddhism, the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, drew extensively on the experience of Padmasambhava for his work in North America.

In the eighth century, India was a highly developed civilisation, with great universities and a highly developed spiritual tradition. The king of Tibet, Trisong Detsen (755-797), wishing to bring literacy and spiritual sophistication to Tibet, invited a great Indian Mahayanist scholar, Shantarakshita, to present the foundation teachings of Buddhism. However, many obstacles arose when he came to Tibet. Some were political, some were cultural, some were psychic, and some were environmental. Realising that something else was needed, Shantarakshita told the king to invite Padmasambhava, an Indian tantric yogin of great power.

Padmasambhava’s realisation was so profound that he was able to contact the basic energies that underlay the apparent obstacles, and re-cast them as aids to practice. Instead of attempting to destroy the mountain gods and demons of the native Tibetan religion, he harnessed these energies into the form of protectors of the dharma. In this way he tamed the Tibetan national psyche. One might ask how this situation parallels our own.

When the Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche came to North America in the early 1970’s, he found on the one hand a tremendous interest in dharma, and on the other, as in Padmasambhava’s Tibet, a cultural environment that needed to be tamed. For dharma to truly take root, it couldn’t just be an exotic transplant of foreign culture. Buddhism would have to embrace, and then transform the barbarism of the West — corporate culture, militarism, materialistic consumerism, and theism.

The example of Padmasambhava was very real to Trungpa Rinpoche. Padmasambhava didn’t try to block the energies that he encountered in Tibet: he embraced them and extracted their wisdom. Whatever he encountered became further fuel to his activities. This approach is called “crazy wisdom,” and it does not work on conventional logic at all. It is based on complete nowness. It is completely uncompromising in seeing and responding to the sacredness of all situations. If the word “sacredness” here creates difficulty, we could probably substitute the words basic goodness, or primordial purity. This sacredness is generally covered over by conceptual projections about reality, and since that “reality” is where we live most of the time, the actions of such a yogi will seem crazy–coming from someplace that is strange and unfamiliar to us.

Following the example of Padmasambhava, the Vidydhara did not block the energies he found in the West, but transformed them. To transmute militarism, for instance, the Vidyadhara introduced the kasung, or vajra guards, whose motto was “victory over war,” and who replace violence with presence, awareness, and spontaneous action. He structured the governing body of his organisation along Western corporate lines, and then taught people the principles of enlightened leadership. He worked with materialistic consumerism by teaching how to appreciate the natural richness of our perceptions and the ability of perceptions to wake us up. He worked with theism by showing how to use the power of deities in spiritual practice, without solidifying them as external ego. Like Padmasambhava, he extracted the wisdom energy of each situation from under its egoistic cloak.

When we invoke Padmasambhava in this chant, we are invoking his enlightened example as a way to work with the obstacles we encounter — whether they are personal, or obstacles in our physical or social environment. Tibetans believe that Padmasambhava still exists, and that he relates to our world from his enlightened realm. We could understand the chant in this way, or we could understand that we are invoking an enlightened aspect of mind in general. In the latter case, Padmasambhava represents part of ourselves that is there but not normally accessible to us. Obviously, our understanding of what this means comes from some kind of contact with present day holders of Padmasambhava’s lineage.

The beginningless basic element is the source of all phenomena. Because it exists, all transmigrations and even nirvanas are attained.

-- Asanga

Thursday 21 December 2017


























什么方法?楞严经。人家说开悟的楞严,成佛的法华。但是这个楞严经比华严经是浅多了,我讲华严经什么是心?尽虚空遍法界都是我的心,草木、森林,乃至于你们所有的都是我的心,咱们是一体的。等你学佛学得深入的时候,没有什么男女相,什么老的小的、男的女的,凡所有相,皆是虚妄,若见诸相非相,你才见到你的真心。你现在看什么相执著什么相,你怎么见到你的心?若见诸相非相,则见如来。但是这个方法你得去修,不是谁跟你说。阿难说我是佛最宠爱的小弟弟,用不着我自己修, “将谓如来,惠我三昧”,我等待佛给我三昧,岂知身心本不相待,我是我,佛是佛,佛也没办法给我智慧,现在在楞严会上他才明白了要自己去修。明心见性的方法佛说得很多,大方广佛华严经、楞严经、楞伽经都是明心见性的方法,这不是一句话两句话就能懂的。

Just as a deep lake is clear and still, even so, on hearing the teachings, the wise become exceedingly peaceful.

-- The Buddha

Wednesday 20 December 2017

The Perfection of Wisdom

by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

In general, Buddhist wisdom deals with seeing things as they really are and not how we see things as projected through the distorted lens of our ego. Therefore the most important Dharma practice is to see through the distortions of our ideas about the self. There are two basic approaches in Buddhist wisdom. One is dealing with the so-called reality of external objects and the other way deals with the mind that conceives - although ultimately these two approaches come together.

When I first began to meditate, my teacher was an old yogi and he started by pointing to the table and asking, ‘Is this table empty?’ Well, I had already read some books on philosophy like a good nun, so I said, ‘Oh, yes, the table is empty!’ The yogi replied, ‘Do you see it as empty?’ ‘Well, no.’ Then he asked, ‘Is the mind empty?’ So I said a bit more confidently, ‘Yes’ and he said, ‘Do you see it as empty?’ ‘No.’ He continued, ‘Which do you think is easier to see — the emptiness of the table or the mind?’ And I said, ‘Oh, the mind’. So he said, ‘Okay, then you belong to us.’ Naturally I enquired, ‘What if I said the table?’ The yogi laughed, ‘Oh, then I would have sent you to Sera Monastery down the road!’

Because there are two approaches to this issue of emptiness. One is the scholars’ approach where phenomena are analysed intellectually through the study of Madhyamika, so mainly the emphasis is posited on the emptiness of external phenomena. Then of course one also has to meditate on that. But the yogi way is to look at the mind itself which analyses because it is the mind which projects our sense of solidity onto external phenomena.

Modern physics shows us that indeed this table is empty, that actually everything is reduced to the protons and neutrons and they are basically space and energy, so we can never find the thing in itself. Philosophically this is approached by saying that nothing exists from its own side and that everything exists in conjunction with causes and conditions. Because we tend to solidify and reify everything, then this analysis can show that however much we may reduce and reduce the object, there is nothing which can be pointed to as the thing in itself. It’s inherent existence is just a convenient conceptual label. So the fact that nothing exists from its own side, lacks inherent existence, and depends on a combination of causes and conditions, is in Buddhist parlance called ‘emptiness’.

In Buddhist meditation we are trying to get back to our original nature also called Buddha nature, nature of the mind, Dharmakaya and so on. But these are just names. One time I saw a documentary on meditation during which a Russian Orthodox priest said that the first thing that he was taught as a novice was that anything that he might think about God — He is not that! In other words, ultimate reality really is ultimate and is beyond our conceptual mind. Our ordinary thinking mind is by its very nature dualistic. That means that the conceptual mind thinks ‘I’ and automatically ‘others’ (who are not I). It naturally thinks good-bad, highlow, big-small. This is the nature, the very functioning of our dualistic conceptual mind. It also thinks within time. The dualistic conceptual mind is trapped in past and future. It has a very hard time staying in the present. We are usually not even conscious of this because we are so busy thinking, but to stay actually in the present moment without commenting is very difficult for the mind.

So normally we are governed by this conceptual mind which solidifies into our perception of something which we call ‘a self ’. And we believe in this self. It’s who we are. So we do everything we can to placate this self - to make it happy and to try to avoid any suffering. However the ego itself is not concerned with happiness or suffering, the ego is actually happy to be miserable because that still makes it seem like something really existing. We notice that people who are really unhappy are usually totally centred on themselves and their suffering. People who are psychologically disturbed in any way are normally totally focused toward themselves. Perhaps this is one reason why psychiatrists and therapists flourish, because they are paid to just sit and listen while the patients endlessly talk about themselves and their miserable childhoods.

Insight meditation deals directly with looking straight at this sense of ‘me’ nestling at the centre of our thoughts and asking ‘who am I?’ Once the mind has quietened down through shamatha meditation, the thoughts are now moving more slowly and our attention is more single pointed. Then we turn that searchlight of focused attention back onto itself and we look at the stream of thoughts, because everything we can know only through mind. But the mind itself we don’t know, we never look, we never question.

It is like someone sitting on the banks of the river watching the water flow by. Normally we are in the river being swept along. Where the stream of thought goes, there we go. But now we are still and we are just observing. So we just sit there relaxed and looking on without judgement or preference.

Then we can start to analyse. It’s like we have a big question mark in our mind. What is a thought? What is an emotion? Where does it come from? Where does it go? What does it feel it? What does it look like? Who is thinking? When the mind is very busy or when the mind is quiet with no thoughts and the awareness which knows the difference, are these the same or are they different? Are the thoughts the same as the awareness of the thoughts?

So we begin to look into the mind. One could also generate a strong feeling such as recalling a time when we felt angry and then try to recreate in ourselves that sense of the frustration and anger that we felt. Then look at it. What is that feeling? How does it feel? Where did it come from? What is it? Where did it go? Don’t just think about it but really look with this questioning awareness. We live in our mind so our only way to be free is to fully understand the mind. This is accomplished not through the intellect but through direct experience. Meditation isn’t something just passive, feeling nice and peaceful. The body may be immobile but the mind is for the first time waking up and using all its energy to really look into itself. We have to realise the empty nature of these thoughts and feelings. It’s not enough just saying, ‘Oh yes, thoughts are empty’. As long as we haven’t experienced that they are empty, they are not empty for us.

As the thoughts decrease and our awareness becomes more profound and clear, there sometimes appears like a gap between the previous thought and the next thought. Before they are linked together, there is just a momentary opening. Because our awareness is so one-pointed, at that moment we might perceive the nature of the mind. But then usually, we think: “Oh well, yes!” and then we’re thinking again.

Imagine that we are in a cinema and there’s the screen and a movie is being shown. This film which we are watching is full of movement and sound and light and we are totally absorbed in it. (In fact, we’re playing the starring part at the same time.) So if it’s a good movie one is completely involved in it. If it’s sad, then we’re crying and if it’s a comedy, we’re laughing and if it’s an action movie, then our hearts are pumping. If it’s a well-made movie, then while we’re watching it, we’re immersed and enchanted. But if we look backwards, what is actually happening is that there’s a projector and running in front of the projector are transparent individual frames of film moving very, very fast. The projector shines light through these fast moving frames and the whole drama is thus projected out in front of us.

This analogy definitely has some affinities with what is happening in our minds. Fundamentally there is what is called the clear light nature of the mind. The nature of the mind is naturally primordially unborn pure awareness. The fact that you can read this page is because you are aware, because you are conscious. But normally we are not conscious of being conscious because we’re too busy, absorbed in thinking. This endless film show is being played in our mind — moment to moment mind states — and that is projected out in front of us as our external reality. Now as long as we are fascinated by the movie in front of us, then we believe it and we become deeply involved in what appears to be happening. But if we look back and realise it’s just a mind-show that we are projecting, then even though we can still enjoy it, we are not going to be totally devastated if it’s a tragedy or completely engulfed if it’s a romance. We know it’s just a movie.