Sunday 30 April 2017




在大乘佛法中,净土宗被称为最方便、最圆满、最彻底、最究竟、最简易的法门。只要大家能够相信有极乐世界、念阿弥陀佛,就能往生、就能了生死、就能直接成佛。所以我们总觉得净土宗太简单了,很容易修。这样对净土宗的教理就不太去问去闻。所以很多人学习了净土宗以后,只知道我有一卷 《阿弥陀经》,念一句阿弥陀佛就够了。但实际上呢,净土三资粮中,很详细地告诉我们,要想得到往生极乐世界,你必须要具足三资粮。








所谓至诚是什么?就是无论是遇到什么样的境界,不管是顺境还是逆境,你的心知道: 我此生只求阿弥陀佛加持,观世音菩萨、 西方三圣加持,加持我顺利过去。绝对不去求这些外道、求神问卦,也不只求生活过得好一点。




所以净土修行首先需要确立的一个信。 弥陀要解里面提到有六信:信自,信他,信因,信果,信事,信理。第一个是信自: 就是相信自己,相信今生能听到阿弥陀佛净土法门,完全是由于阿弥陀佛的愿力加持所致,并不是我自己偶然碰到。因为阿弥陀佛有这个大愿,他的光明要普照十方一切众生。众生机缘成熟,就要让他听闻到净土法门。因为阿弥陀佛有这个愿,我们今生才有机会听到阿弥陀佛、可以念佛往生,可以了脱生死。也就是说,我们听到净土法门,就已经进入了弥陀愿海,能感受到吗?这个愿海就是极乐世界的无量光明啊!所以当我们的身心融入了弥陀愿海,就已经得救了。


佛法的加持可能会令家庭很顺利、这生过得很舒服。但是不能保证你来生的幸福,会不会再来信佛,因为你是在轮回当中。轮回有个很重要的特点,就是不确定。我们的心情是轮回的,你看凡夫的心态是不是确定的,你说我现在心态很好,但是让你念一个小时的佛号,你就会发现自己妄想很多。你今天看这个人很讨厌,但是明天你升起慈悲心的时候,就觉得这个人还满不错。为什么 呢?不是这个世界不确定,是我们自己不确定。你也不确定,他也不确定,所以呢?这个世界大家都不确定,所以形成了这个世界的混乱、动荡不安,这是佛教讲的轮回。轮回就是这样子。




这部分人是在学习佛法的道理上稍微有一点进步,学习了一些禅宗、华严宗、其他宗派的道理,知道佛经里面经常提到的唯心净土、自性弥陀,阿弥陀佛就是我们自性的光明,西方极乐世界就是我们真心的体现。 所以你想往生西方极乐世界,就是在我们的真心里面往生。这个道理是很深的,有些人,他还是业障深重的凡夫,在现实中有很多习气毛病、还没有解脱的人,他对种种妄想颠倒还没有足够的认识,(阿弥陀佛的愿力就是要接引这些凡夫众生带业往生,这是跟其他的所有的佛都不一样的特点)。他一听到一切法都是唯心所造、要讲究明心见性、讲究无相无功用性、洒脱自在,这样一他反而不求往生西方极乐世界,这个叫信不真切。


只是说去极乐世界去有一定的标准,就像我们入个佛学院或者学习班,要经过考试,及格了才能进来,要往生极乐世界也要及格才能去。这个需要信愿行,你要过关, 这么一个诸上善人聚会一处的地方,这么一个清净的国土,我们是可以往生去的,是很真实的、看得见摸得着的。极乐世界就是从是西方过十万亿国土,有世界名曰极乐,这样的一个很真切的世界。

有些人学习一些教理,知道一切缘起的法,一切有相皆是虚妄;一切相是缘起,缘起本身是空无所有。因此真正证得空性的人是无所求的,往生到极乐世界也是无所求的。然后在还没有了生死的时候就认为:极乐世界是唯心所造,所以我不求往生。这样的人我遇到过两个,是在我刚出家不久,有一个出家人,他学了一些禅宗的道理,好像很洒脱,说话做事情都很放得开,他就说, 禅宗的祖师大德有这么一句话:“在禅堂里面念一句阿弥陀佛,要挑水洗三天,把这个地方刷掉”。其实这是大德祖师接引学人特别的教导。他又说:“佛之一字吾不喜闻” 。这也是祖师大德开导人不要执着。然后我遇到那个师父也这样说:“佛之一字吾不喜闻”。好了,他到临死的时候非常痛苦,生病几个月,躺在那里哭爹喊娘。问他:“佛之一字你不喜闻,你现在还喜不喜欢闻”? 他还执着我不闻我不求,到最后死得很惨。 这是一个很好的警告:我们大家不要夸海口,功夫不到的时候,还是要老老实实。你明白了这个理,就认为在修净土的路上无所求了,那你就出问题了。这是第二个容易出问题的。




这样的人也非常多,问他:你相信不相信有极乐世界?有没有阿弥陀佛?说:相信。那你有没有发愿去成佛啊?他说:“不敢不敢,很惭愧,阿弥陀佛!我只求往生好了”。有没有见到这样的人啊?这是个错误的信号。如果一个净土行人,你没有发起菩提心,(所谓菩提心--就是深广的大愿, 深就是我要成佛,我往生西方极乐世界,目的就是要成佛,不为别的。要有承担的心,这叫深度。广呢?就是要度一切众生,我一定要普度九法界众生都成佛,这叫广。)他的愿不深也不广的时候,障碍就来了,这是很多人的问题,你没有承担的精神啊!



所以我们千万不要给自己的心封闭,封闭了也就是暗示自己:我可以做得简单一点。特别是提到净土宗的方便这一点啊,因为可以带业往生,你平时没有修行不要紧, 你平时没有功德不要紧,你平时做的坏事太多不要紧,只要你当下能转过来信阿弥陀佛,一心念佛就能往生。所以我们就想: 哦,好了,那我们就做个坏人,到时候能带业往生,下品下生,也比娑婆世界要好多了,这种心态是要不得的。

要知道,如果以这种心态去念佛,恐怕你临终连带业往生的机会都没有。古人说:取法其上,得其中也;取法其中, 得其下也。希望那么高,其实得到的很低啊。如果你希望往生极乐世界要成佛,那你有可能是中品、上品往生;如果只是希望到极乐世界下品往生,你就不可能往生。明白这个道理吗?



惭愧是什么?就是自己平时做的不好, 感觉有点后悔,我不该,这叫惭愧。如果你这种自卑和惭愧影响到你了,就不可以了。 更严重是你把它挂在嘴里,暗示自己:我是一个不行的人,是没有能力的人,这样子你就永远进步不了。


所以你要想念佛得受用,就一定要生起往生西方极乐世界、成佛度无边的众生的愿。整部《无量寿经》的核心就是八个字: 发菩提心,一向专念。发菩提心,上求佛道,下化众生。这就是真正的发菩提心。

人家说:哎呀!念佛很容易哦,三岁小孩子也会念。好像很容易,实际上不容易, 这是第三个歧途。

Dignity without wisdom can be easily corrupted by pride. Generosity without wisdom can be corrupted by self-flattery. Without wisdom, you cannot be a perfect person — meaning that you cannot be free from complicated mind. Without this freedom, your good qualities always risk being corrupted.

-- Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche

Saturday 29 April 2017

Approaching Vajrayana – Part Four: A Tale of Two Sciences

By Jakob Leschly

This final instalment in our four-part series “Approaching Vajrayana”* addresses an issue common to all of Buddhism: how its science is perceived, and how it stands apart from our familiar modern science. This comment is not so much about which science is more valid, but more about appreciating their differences. Finally, a comment on the practical situation of studying and practicing Buddhism in modernity.


Nowadays Buddhism is approached outside of its traditional cultures, and we might want to appreciate how the great science of enlightenment stands apart from the modern science most of us have grown up with. Very briefly, we can say that Buddhism and what we loosely call modern science share a common epistemic premise of empiricism. But in the case of Buddhism, this empiricism is based on the subjective rather than the objective dimension. As a result, these two sciences end up with very different ontological views. Suffice it to say that the objectivist thrust of modern science results in information and data, while the subjectivist thrust of Buddhist science, Dharma, results in wisdom. This is not really about better or worse, good or bad. The author of this article would rather fly in an airplane constructed by modern scientists and engineers than by Tibetan lamas and yogis, yet for the important issues of life, he chooses to consult the latter.

The Buddha’s objective was to remove suffering, and his teaching has continued to successfully serve as a remedy for the cause of suffering — confusion. In that the Buddha’s teaching addresses the nature of consciousness systematically, logically, and rationally, there is no reason why the modern, analytically trained person should not appreciate what the Buddha taught.


And yet . . . the domain of what the Buddha taught, the concept of enlightenment, the path, and the subjective experiences of eliminating confusion are entirely unknown to modern science, and as a result, to the average modern person. Modern science has no unanimous or unequivocal understanding or explanation of consciousness and the nature of subjectivity. It is what the Australian cognitive scientist David Chalmers has termed “the hard problem of consciousness” (Chalmers 1995). As such, there is little common basis for the modern scientist to understand the science of Buddhism, and as a result, the wider community of educated modern people, brought up exclusively with the ideas of modern science, have few qualifications for gaining a logical appreciation of Buddhist insight. Unfortunately, this also applies for a large number of the cultures where Buddhism once thrived as a science, but where it is now, due to the influence of modern physicalist science, classified as religion and perceived as based on blind faith.

Although the rationality of Buddhism is not unknown to the modern educated person, it is still assumed that Buddhism is essentially a religion, not a science. While religions traditionally represent values and compassionate action, and in principle are deserving of the highest regard, the problem with directly linking Buddhism with religions is that, as venerable and important as religions might be, they are also seen to operate with blind faith and superstitions. Most modern educated people have little time for religions, and see them as invalidated by science. A Harvard professor puts it quite bluntly: “The findings of science entail that the belief systems of all the world’s traditional religions and cultures — their theories of the origins of life, humans, and societies — are factually mistaken” and “. . . the worldview that guides the moral and spiritual values of an educated person today is the worldview given to us by science” (Pinker 2013).

One could wish that modern persons approaching the study and practice of Buddhism would appreciate not just the humanity and goodness of Buddhism, but also the epistemic validity of its science. While Buddhism operates with empiricism, the findings of direct perception, it does not merely operate with the third-person perspective of observing what is thought of as objective phenomena. Buddhist insight in particular is founded on introspection, engaging an awareness of what is experienced by the first-person subjectivity, effectively cultivating the conditions for a wiser and greater individual consciousness, with greater epistemic capacity. Modern science has a very different project, which is about data. While on one hand the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines wisdom as “accumulated philosophic or scientific learning,” wisdom on the other hand as “being wise” generally exists as a rather vague notion.** The Buddhist science of wisdom could well be a non-starter in modernity, but again, this is not entirely the case either.


Despite the increasingly dominating materialist views of modern science, there are groups and cultures that continue to value and pursue the theory and practice of Buddhism. These include on the one hand pockets of survivors of the ancient Buddhist civilisations who study, practice, and uphold genuine spiritual lineages, and on the other hand modern freethinkers who, despite their upbringing in modernity, have sufficient education and resources to think out of the box. The latter are not necessarily Buddhist, but are exploring the domain of subjectivity studies.

As for the first groups, these include sages from the old Buddhist countries, as well as monastics and laypeople, who train their minds on the path of enlightenment. These persons might not master the language and vocabulary of the modern analytical traditions, or be able to engage the modern worldview, but they embody a universal quality of insight and its accompanying manifestations of compassion, wisdom, and strength that are naturally attractive. They embody and exhibit the brilliance and warmth that celebrate the highest human potential. These persons inspire others with their qualities, and are often beacons that provide vision and guidance.

The educated freethinkers initially comprised individual seekers and philosophers in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, including the recent spiritual trend that was native to the various countercultures of the 1960s and ’70s. In the last decades, numerous modern academics and neuroscientists have engaged in dialogue about the nature of human consciousness with Buddhist scholars and practitioners, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama. These dialogues have extended into provocative discussions between Tibetan and modern experts in fields such as quantum physics, green politics, human rights, ethics, philosophy, and so on, a direct outcome of which has been the Mind & Life Institute with its 30 years of annual symposia. Their mission statement includes “. . . fostering interdisciplinary dialogue between Western science, philosophy, humanities, and contemplative traditions, supporting the integration of first-person inquiry through meditation and other contemplative practices into traditional scientific methodology.” So, in a few such cases, the earlier perceptions of Buddhism as entirely faith-based are changing.


The actual transmission of the lineages of study and practice are still taking place in the traditional cultures of Buddhism. Also in Western countries, or countries subscribing to the discourse of modernity, there are well-organised centers which facilitate Buddhist study and practice. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, there are even non-Tibetan students who have mastered the considerable rigor of Tibetan academic training and achieved the Geshe degree, graduating from recognised institutions in India. Countless persons practice Buddhist meditation, with and without guidance from authentic lineage masters. Training in mindfulness and compassion is now mainstream, even though some of the popular modalities avoid mentioning the Buddhist origins. The religious stigma still hangs over Buddhism.

There are still many traditional teachers of Buddhism who dispense with engaging the culture and language of modernity and opt to just give essential instructions, almost as they would to traditional laypeople. Yet, there are masters like Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1939–87), an accomplished teacher from the Tibetan tradition of Vajrayana, who embraced the modern world wholeheartedly. Possessing the skillful means of mastering both paradigms, he taught as an educated insider of modernity. And increasingly, Buddhist masters attempt to embrace the modern condition, with a growing knowledge of its language.

The essence of the Buddhist wisdom in the past spread throughout the societies of Asia. Although originally communicated to Indian students, the essence of Buddhism was gradually communicated within the native parameters of the cultures of Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Japan, and Tibet. Similarly, the essence of the Dharma is now being communicated in ways that will eventually enable practitioners of modernity to attain realisation and to manifest compassionate action. As much as modernity presently is new to the notion of a systematic, logical, and structured science of wisdom, there is dialogue. As long as intact lineages of transmission and realisation remain, this science of Dharma with its vast scope will still be with us, and available.

The root of all phenomena is your mind. If unexamined, it rushes after experiences, ingenious in the games of deception. If you look right into it, it is free of any ground or origin. In essence it is free of any coming, staying or going.

-- Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro

Friday 28 April 2017




其实唯识学跟净土宗关系是很密切的。净土宗它强调好乐净土、皈依弥陀, 这两块也是思想,其实净土宗在所有宗派里面,它最有关系的就是唯识跟天台这两块,它也重视思想,何以见得?看蕅益大师的《弥陀要解》就知道,蕅益大师在前言,第一句话讲到,往生与否,在信愿之有无;品位高下,在持名之浅深。就是你今天会不会往生,完全是你的思想,你的心理素质,至于你往生以后,你的品位是上品、中品、下品,那就是你的业力了, 你修了多少福报?你的善业力有多少?





所以唯识学它就是名言,你要建立一套新的名言分别。我们以前的思想,是活在自己的妄想,就是我们的心跟外境接触的时候,我们可能小时候,曾经有一些什么生活经验,有遇到某种人,碰到什么事情,那么我们的心取到一个影像, 这个影像可能给你极度的快乐,也可能给你极度的痛苦,总之给你一个终身难忘的感受,然后你这个影像,就把它牢牢的给catch,抓住不放,就是心有所住,那么这个影像就影响你的信仰。

所以我们一般人很少很平静的去看外在的世界,很少。也就是说你从小到大, 可能是你前生累积很多的影像,这个影像会给你一些概念的,所以我们就是心随妄转,我们宁可相信我们心中的影像,这种片段的不全面的影像,给我们很大的误导。

比方说娑婆世界,诸位认为娑婆世界是如此美好吗?当然它也有美好的一面, 但是总相来说,它痛苦多于快乐,这是事实!只是我们今天在付出痛苦的时候,我们心中总是存着,哦,这个痛苦可以给我们幸福的生活,所以我们痛苦,我们愿意去忍受。你从小读书,长大以后工作,其实我们付出很多身心的痛苦、辛劳,“诸欲求时苦”,追求的时候辛劳;“得时多怖畏”,得到的时候,你心中也是战战兢兢,你很怕失掉,如果真的失掉了,你就又“失时怀忧恼”,所以“一切无乐时”。


所以我们在娑婆世界的轮回,我们永远在适应环境。好不容易做一个蚂蚁我也习惯了,你死掉了,来生变成一只狗。就是说生死疲劳,你只要不离开轮回,你人生永远没有安全感。娑婆世界没有安全感这回事,因为它是一个无常动荡的环境, 因为你大环境是动荡的,你就不可能安静下来,这就是佛陀要我们离开轮回的原因,因为你太没有安全感了。

所以我们以前对娑婆世界的好乐是错误的理解,我们看到的娑婆世界的片段, 可能你看到的娑婆世界某一种美好的东西,所以你喜欢了娑婆世界,你愿意继续轮回。但是我必须提醒大家,你看到的美好的人事,只是一小片段而已,你没有看到娑婆世界的全貌,所以你做出了错误的选择。

佛陀出世以后,当然第一个讲到苦谛,它的第一个就是无常。娑婆世界对我们的伤害来自于佛陀说的欺诳性,它老是欺骗我们。你看魔术师,佛陀经常用如梦幻泡影,这魔术师一下子变成一个兔子, 兔子变久了也就习惯了,欸,这个兔子没了,现在变成一只猫……所以它就是一种变化的一种情况。所以我们第一个,改造我们的一种贪恋娑婆的信仰,你必须告诉你自己,娑婆世界不是一个很好的安住处,那么这是第一个厌离娑婆。


It is very easy to criticise others for their shortcomings since we can clearly see where and how they are going wrong. However, it is a thousand times more difficult to see our own shortcomings. There could be many reasons why, but one obvious reason may be our refusal to acknowledge that we too are not perfect in many ways. Our own faults are always hard to see, and even when we do notice them, we may not be able to overcome them right away since, as they say, “old habits die hard.” The only way to overcome our faults so as not to keep making the same mistakes is to cultivate determination and make the right effort.

-- Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche

Thursday 27 April 2017

Approaching Vajrayana - Part Three: Path Tantra

By Jakob Leschly

Having previously established the context of Vajrayana in relation to the general Buddhist teachings and Buddha nature as the premise of its path,* this third instalment in our four-part series looks further at the logic of Vajrayana view and practice.


With a foundation of renunciation, compassion, and devotion, the qualified Vajrayana student is given four empowerments to take possession of an innate heritage of abiding purity, and is thus anointed as heir to the kingdom of enlightenment. In ancient times, this involved the guru actually performing an elaborate enthronement ceremony for the student, but regardless whether they are given with such formality or not, receiving these four empowerments is a defining moment for the practitioner as it marks the entrance into Vajrayana. From then on, he or she commits to the samaya discipline of upholding and integrating this sacred vision through the practice of sadhana — the methods to accomplish the Vajrayana path.


It is essential to recognise that the objective of the Mantra Vajrayana path is consistent with the objective of the gradual Sutra path, namely the removal of obscurations and the realisation of wisdom. Yet, through the foundations of purification, accumulation, and mingling with the teacher’s wisdom, the Vajrayana yogi has a greater proximity to enlightenment in terms of confidence in their subjective experience. The great 19th century scholar Yönten Gyamtso writes:

“The object of valid cognition of the view in both Sutra and Mantra is established as freedom from conceptual constructions, and as such there is no difference. However, in regards to the manner of the subject that sees this, there is a difference: it is through the subject that the view necessarily is engaged, and hence such a difference is enormous.” (Yönten Gyamtso 1987, 78)

The Vajrayana student has been processed with the establishment of the foundational practices and has acquired insight into the view of the bodhisattvas, namely equanimity of meditation united with the post-meditation knowledge that sees relative appearances as inseparable from the space of reality. Transformation of the subject also provides a very different view on the two truths, known therefore as the superior two truths, which is basic to the Vajrayana practice of pure perception, or sacred outlook. This valid cognition of purity lies at the core of the practices of the four empowerments, and is particularly the focus of the first empowerment with its development stage practice of visualization, mantra recitation, and samadhi.


The superior two truths consist of understanding absolute truth as the equanimity of freedom from conceptual constructs and relative truth as the purity of perceptions — such that all apparent phenomena are seen in terms of wisdom, as a mandala of infinite purity.

This proposition is not unique to Vajrayana. In the Prajnaparamita sutras, we find in the Vimalakirti Nirdesha Sutra the Buddha teaching Shariputra about the innate purity of the world. While Shariputra sees the world as a place of suffering, the Buddha points out that this is his own perception:

“Sariputra, it is through the transgressions of sentient beings that they do not see the purity of the Tathagata’s (i. e., my) buddha land. This is not the Tathagata’s fault! Sariputra, this land of mine is pure, but you do not see it.” (McRae 2004, 78)

The Vajrayana view of pure perception is integrated in meditation through the development stage practice of visualising deity and mandala. As the late Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (1920–96) points out, and consistent with the above quotation, this is not imagination but assessing things as they are intrinsically:

“Development stage is not like imagining a piece of wood to be gold. No matter how long you imagine that wood is gold, it never truly becomes gold. Rather, it's like regarding gold as gold: acknowledging or seeing things as they actually are.” (Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche 1999, 71)

In his Overview, Jamgön Mipam Rinpoche (1846–1912) writes on pure perception of appearances:

“. . . appearances are established in the mode of reality as the mandala of the exalted body and wisdom because the Sublime Ones free from distorting pollutants see [appearances] as pure; like someone with unimpaired vision seeing a conch as white.” (Duckworth 2008, 128)

The Vajrayana yogi might not be a realised or sublime person, yet having been processed through the foundation practices described earlier, he or she trains in recognising reality as it is, free from obscurations — just as someone who has jaundice recognises that despite their own impure perception of seeing a conch as yellow, it is, in fact, white. Realisation of this view is effectively accomplished through the practices of the four empowerments.


The methods of the four empowerments purify increasingly subtle habitual perceptions of samsara and unveil the spontaneously present perfection of nirvana, with each empowerment maturing the qualities prerequisite for the practices of the next empowerment. For example, the development stage meditation of the first empowerment of visualising the world as a mandala purifies impure projections, establishes the spontaneously perfect unity of appearance and emptiness, and matures the yogi for the second empowerment, the completion stage meditation that in turn purifies the physical body as a mandala. Explaining purification, perfection, and maturation as they pertain to the first empowerment, the great sage Dza Patrul Rinpoche (1808–87) writes:

“Since it parallels the features of samsara, existence is purified and refined away. Since it parallels the way nirvana is, the result is perfected in the ground. And finally, both of these mature one for the completion stage.” (Jigme Lingpa et al. 2008, 29)

The path of the four empowerments purifies the habitual patterns related to our ordinary perceptions, unveiling the innate purity of all phenomena as wisdom display. The pinnacle practices of the four empowerments are the practices known as Mahamudra and Mahasandhi, which take innate wisdom itself as the path.


It is said that the life force of the Vajrayana empowerment is keeping the sacred discipline of samaya. As with any of the Buddhist vehicles, discipline is the lifestyle reflecting the view. Vajrayana samaya discipline reflects the Vajrayana view but is also founded on the pratimoksha vows of monastic discipline, as well as the bodhisattva discipline. The practice of uniting these three levels of vows is intrinsic to Tibetan Buddhism. Thus, you could be a monk, upholding the Vinaya, bodhisattva, and Vajrayana disciplines all united without conflict. Such a person would be known as a Three-fold Vajra Holder. One supreme example is the late Kyabje Trülshik Rinpoche (1923–2011), a teacher of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who in addition to being a great Vajrayana and Mahasandhi master was also a principal holder of the Vinaya lineage and regarded as a great bodhisattva.

While the Vajrayana discipline is not easily maintained, it can be repaired. The great Indian master Atisha Dīpamkara (980–1054) once commented that while his pratimoksha precepts were intact, his bodhisattva vows occasionally needed repairing. However, he claimed, his infringements of the Vajrayana samayas would fall like rain! Hence the practitioner of sadhana makes sure to continually purify and amend the samaya vows.


Through the Vajrayana path, the temporary delusion of samsara can be swiftly brought to an end, the qualities of enlightenment become fully manifest, and the spontaneous benefitting of others consequently bursts forth pervasively and constantly. Vajrayana is often referred to as the swift path to enlightenment, and the tantric scriptures speak of enlightenment within sixteen, seven, or three lifetimes, or even just one. This is due to the degree to which the practitioner has a clear experience of wisdom, as discussed above in terms of greater proximity, and also through skillfully integrating relative truth as inseparable from the wisdom of ultimate reality.

In the lineages of Indo-Tibetan Vajrayana there are countless persons who have displayed the attainment of enlightenment, benefitting others and their societies at large and providing guidance both in securing temporal happiness and on the path to complete liberation. These lineages reach us today, and the teachings on Vajrayana view and practice remain intact.

When I was born, I was born alone. When I die, I will leave alone for certain. Knowing this, I take delight, between these two stages, in places of solitude, where I wander, alone. Seeking out the path of liberation.

-- Khenpo Tsultrim Rinpoche

Wednesday 26 April 2017



1、从世间法来说 要做到无欲















As our compassionate teacher turned the wheel of Dharma in this realm He gave eighty-four thousand teachings. All of these were given to tame the afflictions of those in need of guidance. When condensed, these teachings can all be included in two vehicles, those of cause and fruition.

-- His Holiness Trulshik Rinpoche, Ngawang Chokyi Lodro

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Approaching Vajrayana - Part Two: Ground Tantra and Blessing

By Jakob Leschly

In the first instalment* of this four-part series, we looked at how we can gradually eliminate the causes of suffering and confusion through the Sutra path of rational knowledge of cause and effect. Yet, the very premise for working with these conditions is the underlying purity of Buddha nature beyond the narrow grasp of conceptuality, which is the foundation of the Mantra Vajrayana path. Here we will look at how this is approached in theory and practice.


Recognition of Buddha nature is the foundation of Vajrayana. Here, the result of the path is not merely a potential but acknowledged as actual reality, already perfect, just as a statue is perfect although hidden in its mold. In the Vajrayana we are empowered to reclaim our Buddha nature, also referred to as our heritage or lineage. We often find in scriptures the expression, “Listen, son or daughter of noble family . . .” This noble family is our innate enlightened heritage. All Buddhas and all beings belong to this family; we can say it is the unifying DNA of all life.

In Vajrayana, recognition of this heritage is called ground tantra . While tantra refers to the unchanging continuum that runs through both confusion and awakening, one speaks of three moments: namely, when it is dormant, when it is being unveiled, and when it is fully manifest. These three stages are called ground tantra, path tantra, and fruition tantra. Yet through all these moments, the nature does not change — ground and fruition merely differ in whether it is unveiled or not. While the gradual Sutra approach is understood as transforming a sentient being into a Buddha, the approach of Mantra is based on the recognition of the unchanging abiding reality that is ever present and real, regardless of whether it is manifest or not. Taking this innate reality of Buddha nature as the path is referred to as “the path of the result,” or the resultant vehicle of Vajrayana.


It is said that Vajrayana is the path of all the Buddhas. Any practitioner who eliminates obscurations and unveils the qualities of enlightenment gradually gains a clear recognition of Buddha nature and takes this indestructible or vajra nature as the path. While Vajrayana is the scope of practitioners such as great bodhisattvas, it is also taught to ordinary individuals, and offers methods by which even they can recognise the innate wisdom of their Buddha nature lineage. However, it is repeatedly stressed that to engage in the resultant Vajrayana path requires a solid foundation. As it says in the tantric scriptures:

“Innate absolute wisdom can only come
As the mark of having accumulated merit and purified confusion
And through the blessing of a realised teacher .
Know that to rely on any other means is foolish” (Patrul Rinpoche 1998, 310)

Common to all gradual paths is purifying confusion and creating the necessary conditions for unveiling wisdom. In addition to that, the uncommon method of blessings is the entrance into Vajrayana. The path of blessings is based on devotion, which is the deep respect for and recognition of enlightenment as embodied in the teacher. The student’s sensitivity to and awareness of the teacher’s qualities open up the possibility of the teacher communicating directly to the student that which is beyond language and conceptual thinking. We can say that the fusing of the student’s devotion with the teacher’s compassion results in the blessing that opens the student’s own wisdom. These auspicious conditions are at the very heart of Vajrayana practice.


Only sublime persons with genuine wisdom and compassion qualify as authentic teachers who transmit enlightenment. The student needs to be uncompromising in assessing who is an authentic teacher and who is not, which is not easy for an ordinary person. Particularly in our mechanistic world, something as non-linear as wisdom finds many of us ill-prepared, lacking the intuitive edge and knowledge that are essential in assessing the values of a genuine guru. We have plenty of discouraging stories of people engaging with inauthentic gurus and teachers. In the traditional homes of Buddhism such as Tibet, there is a very pragmatic culture of discerning authentic teachers. Yet even if we don’t have that living tradition in our modern culture, there is extensive guidance on it in the Buddhist teachings.

The guru also needs to be discerning in accepting a student. A student may have little interest in attaining perfect enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings, and may approach the Vajrayana teacher only in terms of their own habitual agenda. As for the nature of involvement in the teacher-student relationship, the great master Padmasambhava said:

“Not to examine the teacher
Is like drinking poison;
Not to examine the disciple
Is like leaping from a precipice” (Patrul Rinpoche 1998, 141)

While Buddhist students in general see the qualities of their teacher and follow in their footsteps, the Vajrayana student in particular sees enlightenment as fully present in the teacher. Having established the authenticity of the teacher, the student trains in developing a penetrating insight that sees beyond his or her own projections and appreciates the innate, pure qualities of the teacher. The student recognises that ultimately the teacher is not external and is the very embodiment of his or her own Buddha nature. Hence the student trains in seeing the guru as a perfect Buddha, such as the Buddha Vajradhara or Padmasambhava. The guru is seen as embodying any Buddha, bodhisattva, or sacred principle of enlightenment.

The path of devotion is a very real process of apprenticeship, where the student discovers the teacher’s wisdom and experience. The student becomes acquainted with the teacher’s outlook and skillfulness, and in this way begins to intuit the teacher’s qualities, which eventually results in a transmission of wisdom. While the teacher is seen to embody the wisdom of all the Buddhas and hence as equal to all Buddhas, the teacher’s kindness is recognised as far superior because of being present in a tangible form, giving instruction and guidance.


Openness and devotion enable the student to intuit the nature of the teacher’s greatness and qualities, such as wisdom and compassion. While a rational intellect and the logic of the vipashyana path are an indispensable foundation, as the 8th century Indian master Shantideva says in The Way of the Bodhisattva, “The ultimate is not within the reach of the intellect” (Shantideva 2006, 137). The deep respect and devotion the student has for his or her teacher enable the perception and experience of a dimension of being that is not the domain of conceptual constructs.

When the student is touched and awed beyond words by the qualities of the teacher, this creates a space of softness and appreciation that penetrates the thickness of the rational intellect. This is where the teacher’s wisdom may be seen to resonate with what is within. Blessing enables the experience of an abiding common ground with the teacher and the teacher’s lineage. This is the experience of ground tantra and is the entrance to path tantra. It is at this point that the teacher can mature the student through empowerment and guide the student to achieve liberation.


The devotion to the teacher also extends to the rest of the lineage, all the way to the primordial principle of enlightenment. Invoking the lineage, the student connects with his or her actual heritage as an enlightened person; he or she shares the ground and path of the great beings and sages of their lineage. Whether these awake persons of the lineage, such as Padmasambhava, Naropa, or Yeshe Tsogyal, lived in a different time and within a different cultural discourse is irrelevant; what matters is that they faced their confusion and uncovered enlightenment within. We are doing the same. We are heirs to their know-how and guidance, and we possess their genes. The lineage masters are present beyond time and space. In practicing the path, we invoke these masters along with our guru as our confidants and sources of Refuge, blessing, empowerment, and accomplishment.

In addition to apprenticing with the teacher, serving him or her and following their specific instructions, the single most important Vajrayana meditation is the practice of guru yoga. Generally practiced in a formal setting, the student invokes the teacher’s presence through visualisation of the teacher surrounded by the lineage, as the embodiment of the wisdom of all Buddhas. Supplicating the teacher with heartfelt, yearning devotion, the student experiences the teacher’s blessing, receives empowerment, and settles inseparably within the teacher’s wisdom, just like water being poured into water.

As the student matures, he or she purifies the remaining confusion and unveils innate perfection, in the same way as gradually removing the mold that conceals a perfect statue. The guru empowers and introduces the student’s nature and the world as the fresh and vivid display of wisdom’s purity through the practices of path tantra.

Since all virtuous thoughts and actions motivated by clinging to a concrete reality or to a self-cherishing attitude are like poisonous food, give them up. Learn not to cling, but to know the phantomlike nature of experience.

-- Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye

Monday 24 April 2017







好了,首先极乐世界绝对不是物质的世间,如果极乐世界是物质的世间,就有种种的灾难。我们现在战争,伊拉克战争,世尊说:用什么理由发动战争统统叫做罪恶,战争就是要杀人,美国总统布什因为没有听过慧律法师的开示,要不然他不敢发动战争,对不对?台湾话说美国总统布什(谐音),我说不是布什(谐音)是惨死,布什就是赚死了的意思。没有,因此极乐世界没有战争,极乐世界没有地震,你看我们那个九二一大地震,埔里,一摇,死两千多人,还好那一天讲堂刚好安乐妙宝灌顶。安乐妙宝灌顶非常不可思议,有个信徒来灌顶,她在这边灌顶,她在台中的妈妈并没有信佛,但却听到有人念,「嗡嘛呢叭咪吽, 嗡嘛呢叭咪吽」。地震一晃,旁边统统倒,死光光,她妈妈安然无事。她女儿来这里灌顶,连她妈妈都受益,你看,只要你诚恳的念。





要讲到极乐世界,这个色泽可就多了,世间的衣服无论怎样的变化,都比不上极乐世界的。有一个信徒,他看了经典不解其意,来问我:“师父,师父,极乐世界莲花青色青光,黄色黄光,赤色赤光,白色白光,就这只四种色。”我说:“信徒,你这样讲有罪,误解经典。”“师父,我讲话是有根据的,我诵《弥陀经》就是这四种颜色。”我说:“你错了,这四种颜色是颜色的基本法,基本的颜色,学过美术的人都知道。青、黄、赤、白,这四种颜色是基本的调色,如果你百分之九十九白色加上 1% 的黄色,色又不一样,你百分之五十白色加上百分之五十的青色,又不一样的颜色,如果你把比率拉高,千分之九百九十九的赤色加上千分之一的黄色,莲花颜色又不一样。我说你看经典不解其意,不了解世尊的用心良苦,四种莲花的色就代表无量无边。”因此我们在娑婆世界的众生,无论如何,你一定要求生极乐世界,发坚定的心,没有一个不往生。



在这个娑婆世界修行,的确有一点困难。如果没有善知识开导,哇!那更惨,每天早课起来,南无 喝罗怛那哆罗夜耶, 南无阿唎耶, 婆卢羯帝烁钵罗耶 ……晚课诵《地藏经》、《弥陀经》,念经好不好?很好,可是每天都一样,没有智慧,就像小孩子一样不懂得调整。有个小孩子,每天看他爸爸吃安眠药,小孩子的观念这个时间就是爸爸吃安眠药的时间。有一天,他爸爸很累,睡着了,他爸爸平常十点就吃安眠药,结果到十点他爸爸睡着了。小孩子一看十点了,就在旁边一直摇,“爸爸,爸爸,起来吃安眠药,你还没有吃安眠药。”爸爸起来了:“干什么?”“爸爸,你还没有吃安眠药。”“傻孩子,我睡着就不用吃了。”





一切众生也是这样,智慧不开。他认为,早课起来用功,晚课起来用功,没有用智慧调整自己的情绪。烦恼起来压下去,硬拗下去,不听经不闻法不看 VCD ,不听善知识开示,认为每天诵经就叫做修行,每天念阿弥陀佛就统统叫做修行。错了,非常严重的错误。注意! 重复训练正念,这才是了生死的第一正法。 再讲一遍,重复训练正念,一次又一次的提起正念,训练,这才能了生死。不是,我今天时间到就去诵个《无量寿经》,再来接着《地藏经》、《弥陀经》,什么都不管了,也不管别人的感受,不是这样的。



修行有这样修的吗?固执己见,完全不去 顾虑到 先生的感受,也完全不顾虑到儿女的成长,世尊有这样教吗?她没有强烈的正念,而有强烈的执著。世间人有世间人的悲哀,修行人有修行人的悲哀,因为没有碰到善知识。我不是说诵经不好,我也不是说念阿弥陀佛不好,我已经表达的很清楚,要用智慧调整。


我说:“今天干嘛心情这么不好?” “师父,我听人家讲诵《无量寿经》三千部,就会有消息,为什么我一点消息都没有?” 我说:“有啊,你有消息,你有烦恼的消息,无明的消息,十几年前我劝你要听经闻法,你说你要诵《无量寿经》。我要你留下来吃个饭,再给你说法,说几句调整你的观念,你硬是不接受我的观念,用你的方式在修行,现在修得苦恼,烦恼,现在压不下来了。” “师父,我快要发疯了。”


我就告诉她,修正错误的观念叫做修行。“师父,原来是这样子,我怎么不知道。”我说:“十几年前我讲你就听不进去,我怎么讲,怎么劝,你怎么不听,你修行统统按照你自己的意思,不听善知识的指导。”十几年了,人家两天证阿罗汉果,那个老比丘尼两个礼拜证阿罗汉果,你诵《无量寿经》诵了十几年,到今天都没有解脱,Why ?很简单,方法不对。我不是说诵《无量寿经》不好,我不是说念阿弥陀佛不好,你要有正确的观念,正确的般若智慧,要听经闻法。

后来她就听师父的话,每天看录影带,听录音带,以前还没有VCD 。回去看,看了以后,恍然大悟,原来佛法正念就在一念之间。所以,我们由大寮的这个信徒这个例子来看,我不是说诵经不好,也不是说拜佛、念佛不好,但是你要有般若的正念,每天要听听录音带,看看 VCD ,一天一天道业一直增长。













那个大寮的信徒来到我这儿,那一天,我留下她吃饭,我说:“你诵《无量寿经》诵多久了?” “师父,诵十几年了。” 我说:“你诵一万部了吗?” “超过。” 我说:“你有诵过《金刚经》吗?” 她说:“有。”




慢慢你就会发现,原来佛法是这么的伟大,听经闻法是这么的重要,所以我们要推广正法,推广正法才能让佛教大兴盛, 一个道场没有正法,就像一个人没有灵魂一样的。 大家要把听经闻法的心得,传播出去。有因缘就要度众生,有因缘就要劝大家来学佛。


Rushing headlong, missing what is essential, bringing on one new bond after another, like insects falling into the flame, some are intent only on what is seen and heard.

-- The Buddha

Sunday 23 April 2017

Approaching Vajrayana - Part One

By Jakob Leschly

The path of liberation can be seen in terms of two approaches: the gradual path of the Sutra teachings and the resultant path of the Mantra Vajrayana teachings. In the Sutra approach, we purify confusion and gradually uncover wisdom; in the Vajrayana, the practitioner takes that innate wisdom as the path. This first of four bi-monthly articles discusses the foundation of Buddhism, and how the view and practice of the Sutra teachings naturally serve as the foundation of the Vajrayana. Neither an academic analysis nor an actual Vajrayana teaching, this series aspires to clarify the Mantra teaching as we encounter it as laypersons in a modern context.


The premise for Buddhism is the potential all life has for awakening, and the empirical fact that we can experience more or less confusion, more or less happiness. We observe how our positive and negative states of mind don’t just happen randomly, but happen due to causes and conditions. With less confusion we feel more at home in our reality, more awake, more at ease with our world.

The Buddha taught that we are in a position to do something about these causes and conditions, yet, the premise is the abiding unchanging reality of enlightenment, our true abiding nature, referred to as Buddha nature. The Sutra path approaches the path through working with the immediate reality of our ordinary confused mind; the Mantra path approaches it with the recognition of the innate abiding reality of the timeless wisdom of Buddha nature.

Although the Buddhist understanding of consciousness extends beyond the scope of contemporary psychology or neuroscience, it still operates within familiar parameters of human experience. The discussion of the practice of the path also does not extend beyond a rational and recognisable dimension of human potential.

The Buddha’s first teaching, on the Four Noble Truths, recognises the observable fact that while every one of our actions is based on a desire for happiness and pleasure, the truth is that we fail in our objective; the first Noble Truth is that we suffer.

The second Noble Truth is to identify the cause of suffering. According to the Buddha’s teaching, suffering is not inflicted upon us by some higher power, nor is it inevitable in a meaningless universe of random chaos. The second Noble Truth is that our suffering is caused; our suffering is due to a confused consciousness that mistakenly conceives of a self that, when investigated, doesn’t actually exist.

The Buddha discovered that confusion and suffering are not basic to us. We are not trapped in our delusion. The Buddha discovered the cessation of suffering, which is the third Noble Truth. He discovered freedom from the conceptual constructs that rule our consciousness.

The fourth Noble Truth is the Buddha’s prescription for how to practically address this condition of confusion. Nobody can save us, but we can apply practical measures to address the cause of suffering. The Buddha taught a remedial path of ethical action, of training the mind through meditation, through which wisdom emerges. Hence the Buddha empowered the individual, and taught how any person can attain the same freedom and awakening.

These Four Noble Truths are basic to all Buddhist teachings and paths. In these four truths, we can see that the Buddha did not introduce any mystical or metaphysical assumptions. His teaching never extended beyond the familiar pragmatism of remedying a problem.

It is not just contemporary people who appreciate such pragmatism. Assaji, one of the Buddha’s disciples, defined the Buddha’s teaching as follows:

All phenomena originate from causes; these causes were explained by the Tathagata [the Buddha]. The cessation of these causes was also explained by the Great Renunciant.*


The delusion of self is never an essential reality: self is a non-essential construct that arises from ignorance, on the basis of non-essential causes. This condition, known as samsara, is extensively described in the teachings on the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising (Pratityasamutpada). As long as we suffer from this delusion, we continue to wander in the cycle of rebirths.

The Buddha taught that if we investigate, we will find no absolute self, neither in the subjective aggregations that we refer to as our “self,” nor in the objective aggregations of outer phenomena that we refer to as “other.” This does not mean there is no functioning person or phenomena, but it means that if we investigate, we will not find any absolute essence. The Buddha encouraged us to look, because it is this blind assumption that is our downfall.

Through mindfulness, or shamatha, meditation, the practitioner discovers the wider perspective of selflessness — vipashyana — and continues to gradually enhance this experience in ordinary life. Selflessness, or emptiness, is not an otherworldly experience, but a very real sense of presence, of relinquishing fixation on mental content, and providing wider perspective. With such vipashyana, the practitioner ceases to define his or her outlook in terms of self. This ultimately leads to freedom from the conceptual constructions of the ordinary mind (nishprapanca) and the realisation of complete awakening.

The sage’s vision of selflessness leads to renunciation of a private nirvana, and a corresponding vow to assist all sentient beings and liberate them from suffering, which is known as the bodhisattva vow. Such a vow ensures that wisdom doesn’t fall into self-absorption, and also ensures that compassion doesn’t become a personal project. A sage possessing wisdom devoid of warmth would be pitiful, as would a sage possessing love and compassion, yet with the dualistic strings of expectation.

This vision of awakening is called “bodhichitta” — a mind or heart of awakening — and is the core of the bodhisattva’s spirituality; it informs a greater vipashyana, and a greater courage and commitment to the world. Bodhichitta is the heart of the Mahayana path.

We might not be sages ourselves, yet we can appreciate the magnanimous qualities of the bodhisattva. This appreciation reflects a corresponding nature within ourselves — that we have the pure DNA that resonates with wisdom and compassion. This purity is innate to all life as the abiding ground of reality, and to realise this purity is the difference between ordinary sentient beings and a Buddha. All life has basic purity, while Buddhas have the additional purity of awakening.


In the Sutra path, this two-fold purity is realised gradually. Delusion is eliminated gradually through the practice of the path, in which realisation of wisdom and compassion dawns gradually. The Mantra view sees the same reality from a “glass-full” perspective: as much as we might be neurotic and suffering beings, innately we are Buddhas. Otherwise why practice the path? Unless the condition is curable, why treat it? The good news the Buddha had for us is that our delusional condition is very curable indeed.

While both the paths of the Sutra and Mantra are based on our humble recognition that we are indeed confused and suffering individuals, the Mantra Vajrayana approach banks on the undeniable fact that, being curable patients, we are in reality in possession of the same healthy disposition as the physician, the Buddha. So while this physician prescribes a gradual treatment, the implication is that he or she is empowering our innate untarnished potential to be just as it is.

As the practitioner travels the Mantra path, confusion is purified, giving way to the vipashyana that sees the abiding innate ground of wisdom. Here mind is no longer seen as entirely a confused subjectivity, but rather is seen as a deity, with the world around seen as a pure realm. This is the dawning of sacred reality, also called pure perception, which is the scope of the Vajrayana yogi.

We may temporarily perceive and construct ourselves and others in terms of our delusion and our confused projections, yet the truth is that these constructions are merely temporary fleeting conditions. As it says in the Hevajra Tantra:

Sentient beings are Buddhas;
Temporarily obscured as they might be by fleeting stains,
When these stains are eliminated, they are actual Buddhas.

We are not dreaming up some new reality. We are embracing reality as it is, and this is why even in our obscured state we are presently able to recognise and value wisdom and compassion. While both the gradual and resultant vehicles consist of gradually eliminating obscurations and their causes, and gradually realising our potential, the resultant Vajrayana path acknowledges our true nature as the ground of our journey. We might perceive ourselves as ordinary beings, but we travel the path with an empowered perspective of our true worth.

*Ye dharma hetuprabhava hetum tesham tathagato hyavadat tesham ca yo nirodha evamvadi mahashramanah. The value of this statement is reflected by the fact that in Buddhist ceremonies, this is chanted as an auspicious invocation of the power of truth.

The wisdom is necessary and indispensable as faith alone cannot make you see reality. Therefore, we depend on wisdom, and in this logic wisdom is chief. But this wisdom will not be achieved if you are not motivated by faith, and therefore the faith is a prerequisite of wisdom.

-- 5th Samdhong Rinpoche, Lobsang Tenzin

Saturday 22 April 2017



人类对生命的感受,因人而异就整个人类来讲,无论各种思想,各种宗教,各种阶级,各种意识形态的各种群体,都不能拒绝大悲而流露出的真诚与关爱 。如果我们仔细去观察,就会发现: 狗、猫、羊等众生,也都能够感受到我们的爱意,这提示了一个朴素的真理,无论任何形式的生命,生命的本质即是大慈悲。如此看来,这就是如来智慧德相常不离众生心头而显现,众生若不护持大悲心,即会失去感受生命,享受生命的能力,那么他的生命和生活必然是虚假、黑暗、痛苦的,这即是无尽的轮回! 虽然了解佛教的人不多,但时时刻刻所有的人都在与佛陀的法身(自已的心)对席而谈。然而这只是理论层面的一种粗浅的认知,想回归庄严的生命故乡——佛陀的世界,大悲即是唯一的船票 。



为何汉地众生与准提菩萨缘深不可测呢? 因为汉地以儒为标的文化,传承五千年相续不断,而儒的中心即是三纲五常的人本位理想与实践,既不同于印度的以无量天神的理想为国家理想的王国,亦不同于欧美的以上帝造人的上帝思想为本位,或者非洲边地恶业有情聚集之地,而只有请观音中其它五道去度化他们,而准提菩萨就安住在我们汉地,在中国历史上,各个阶层上都有许多修持准提法门而获得成就,因此我们汉地是准提菩萨誓愿所教化的国度。



I realise that even though I should possess the whole world, at my death I should have to give up everything; and so it will confer happiness in this and the next life if I give up everything now. I am thus pursuing a life which is quite opposite to that followed by the people of the world. Give up thinking of me as a living person.

-- Milarepa

Friday 21 April 2017

Living in Harmony When Things Fall Apart

by Venerable Thubten Chodron

All of us know about the environmental degradation that our planet faces and we may have some inklings of how, if it is not checked, it will affect our lives and those of future generations. Nevertheless, most of us tend to get stuck when it comes to responding to this situation in an appropriate way. Instead we get sidetracked by feelings of helplessness, blaming others, and lack mindfulness. Let’s investigate these detours and see what we can do to overcome them.


Last year, I attended a Buddhist monastic conference on the environment and learned that there is now a new psychological ailment called “climate anxiety or environmental anxiety.” That is, people look at the environmental devastation and become fearful, angry, anxious or apathetic in response. There is so much to do and so little time to make the necessary changes that, rather than face the challenge with creativity and fortitude, we stay stuck in our emotions and do very little. It is as if a corner of our mind thinks, “If I can’t fix this problem quickly and easily, why even try?” and we sink into despair.


This debilitating mental state becomes an extra, added obstacle to rectifying the problem of global warming. It is also contrary to the attitude the Buddha encourages us to have as Dharma practitioners. If the Buddha were to think that since infinite sentient beings are drowning in cyclic existence, it is impossible to lead all of them to liberation and if he then threw up his hands in despair and refused to teach after he had attained enlightenment, where would we be today? But the Buddha knew that just because something is difficult, it doesn’t mean we give up and don’t act. Instead, he knew that whatever he did to teach and guide sentient beings would benefit them, even if the final objective of having all the countless sentient beings attain enlightenment was virtually impossible. He called up his hope, optimism and joyous effort and did whatever he could, and so must we to heal the natural environment.


Another way our mind becomes side-tracked is by blaming others for the environmental mess, complaining, “This is due to the greed of corporations, their CEOs and shareholders. It’s the fault of engineers who didn’t plan ways to stop the flow of oil should a rig break in deep-ocean drilling. The government isn’t doing enough to control companies and stimulate research into alternative energy strategies.” This way of thinking creates feelings of helplessness, which we mask with rage and blame. It is a clever way that our self-centred ego has of abdicating our own responsibility, expecting others to fix everything, and justifying our lack of involvement.

Instead of attributing evil intentions to others, we would be better off examining our own minds, owning our bad motivations, and changing them. Instead of pointing the finger at others’ greed, how about acknowledging our own? After all, we are the ones who over-consume and deplete natural resources. I think it would be more productive to look at what we could do to change the situation than to get stuck in finger-pointing.

This is not to say that we overlook the carelessness and greed of corporations and the inertia of governments. Those have to be called to people’s attention. However, let’s not think that we are not involved in the problem, for we have bought into the view of a materialistic society that wants to consume without restriction.


This leads us to examine how we live “on automatic,” with little heedfulness and mindfulness regarding how our individual lifestyles affect the planet. For example, some years ago I met a couple who were both university professors teaching ecology. They cared deeply about the environment and the people and animals living in it and were very concerned about global warming. One day their children came home from school and said, “Mum and Dad, we need to recycle our paper, plastic, metal and glass to protect the environment,” and “We want to carpool with our friends when we go to after-school activities. Can you carpool with other professors when you go to work? Or how about riding the bus? Let’s get cloth bags for our groceries. Using so much paper and plastic isn’t good for the environment.”

The parents were surprised. They had never thought about the effect of their own lifestyle on the environment. They had not taken into consideration what they could do on an individual level in their daily lives to protect the environment and the living beings they cared so much about.

Acting in a more environmentally-conscious manner in our own lives is an antidote to the feelings of despair, helplessness and anger. In doing this, we face the mind that says, “But it is inconvenient to carpool or ride the bus. I want to go and come by myself when I want to,” or “It takes time to clean glass, cans and milk cartons, and to separate recyclables,” or “It’s tiresome to keep track of cloth bags. It’s so much easier to get a bag at the store.” Here we have to face our lazy and self-centred attitude and remember that we live in an interdependent world.

Recalling that each and every sentient being wants to be happy and avoid suffering as intensely as we do, we focus on the kindness we have received from others. This way of thinking generates within us a strong determination to live in a way that cares for other living beings. If this means enduring some inconveniences, we can do that because it is for a greater purpose. We should encourage ourselves in this way, knowing that we will feel better about ourselves when we think and act in ways that care for others.

I think that if the Buddha were alive today, he would establish precepts to recycle and to stop wasting resources. Many of our monastic vows arose because lay people complained to the Buddha about what the monks or nuns did. Each time this happened, the Buddha would establish a precept in order to curb the detrimental behaviour. If the Buddha were alive today, people would complain to him, “So many Buddhists throw out their tin cans, glass jars and newspapers! At the temples they use disposable cups, chopsticks and plates, which not only make more garbage but also cause the destruction of many trees. They do not seem to care about the environment and the living beings in it!” I would feel embarrassed if I was doing that and someone complained to the Buddha about my behaviour, wouldn’t you? So even though the Buddha isn’t physically here to establish a precept to recycle and to curtail consumption, we should voluntarily do this as it is in accord with his teachings.


After the oil spill in the Gulf, someone told me that the constant images in the media of birds and sea animals covered in oil and dying brought up feelings of sadness as well as anger in her. She asked me how to work with the situation, seeing that she could do little herself to remedy the situation.

I recommended doing the taking-and-giving meditation (tonglen in Tibetan) to increase our own love and compassion. Here we imagine taking on the suffering of others — in this case the birds and sea animals — and use it to destroy our selfcentred thoughts and then imagine giving our body, possessions and virtue to others to bring them joy. It is good to do this meditation for the oil company executives and engineers as well as for all the people affected by the oil spill. In this way, we remain connected to those living beings in our heart and avoid falling into apathy. In addition, this meditation enhances our love and compassion so that when we have the opportunity to directly benefit others we will be more willing and confident to do so.

We are all citizens of this planet and thus each of us has the responsibility to be mindful of how we use its resources. Rather than indulge in blaming others for the environmental degradation and climate change, feeling helpless to do anything about it ourselves, falling into the stupor of apathy, and being heedless regarding our own personal impact on the environment, let’s do our part — however big or small that may be — to lessen and stop climate change and the destruction of nature. In this way, our lives will be meaningful and our minds optimistic as we bring the Buddhist principles of interdependence, wisdom and kindness into our daily actions.