Friday 31 December 2021

人生有七件事 千万不要去做












Great compassionate rulers love their people as much as they would their only child. They care for their followers even at the cost of their own wealth and life.

-- Mipham Rinpoche

Thursday 30 December 2021

The Practice and Philosophy of the Buddhist Path

by Reginald A. Ray

My recent essays have been exploring the phenomenon of the “self” and how it arises moment by moment out of the underlying, boundless awareness within, which is known as buddhanature, or “non-self.” As we have seen, most people are more or less wholly identified with their conditioned “self” and unaware of the awakened state at the foundation of their being.

This continual birth of the “self” out of the non-self was precisely what the Buddha discovered in a final and complete way on the night of his enlightenment. He found that once the non-self of enlightenment is fully realised, the limiting, painful fiction of a “self” has no further footing. The Buddha’s discovery was elaborated in the four noble truths.

In the modern world, the four noble truths are typically seen as the core of the Buddhist “analysis” of existence and are often considered on a par with the theoretical models of other philosophical or theological traditions. Many people in the West take considerable interest in this Buddhist “analysis” without engaging the more practical aspects of Buddhism. Often the practice of Buddhism is seen as unnecessary when it comes to assimilating the basic message of the Buddha.

This point of view raises a very interesting question: to what extent can the Buddha’s discovery really be separated from the path of practice?

The Buddha’s earliest teaching makes it clear that the foundation of Buddhism is not a philosophical assertion or doctrinal analysis, but the description of a liberating experience. This is reflected in the often repeated statement that the Buddha’s intention was not to teach about the nature of reality but to lead others to the very same experience of awakening that he himself had found. In this sense, Buddhism is ultimately not a set of concepts or beliefs but a method. While the tradition certainly has its share of doctrine and philosophy, it holds that these are to be judged by the extent to which they lead to awareness of the non-self within, and to concrete, personal liberation.

Buddhism is adamant and consistent on this point: nothing in the tradition stands outside of the exigencies of the path. For example, the “doctrines” of self and non-self are not statements about reality; they are not even conceived as concepts leading to something else more practical. Rather they are already integral parts of the path. To be exposed to the idea of the awakened buddhanature that underlies unsatisfactory egoistic experience is already to be within the process of the path, even if one’s initial reaction is resistance. This is why Buddhist teachers often stress that study and meditation cannot really be separated; study is already practiced, not something apart from it.

The Buddha’s experience also implies a very specific method of transformation: meditation. If the awakened state already exists in its fullness and perfection within us, then obviously all we need to do is to remove the obstacles obscuring our own inborn wisdom and cultivate awareness of it. In Buddhism, this is brought about by many different methods and means. In spite of their variety, however, they all have the same intention and lead to the same point. Therefore they are gathered under the general rubric of “meditation.”

It’s interesting that in traditions which emphasise original sin or the essential depravity of human nature, the conditioned “self” is often seen as the only defence against underlying fallibility or evil. Such traditions often express a distrust of the meditative process and warn their adherents against its practice. The most logical recourse for such traditions is to abandon the resources and possibilities of the human person and seek salvation elsewhere, from an external source such as a saviour, a book, a ritual or an institution. Modern materialism and consumerism are perhaps little more than secular expressions of this same negative and despairing view of human nature, except that here the external “saviour” is wealth, material possessions, power, comfort and security.

Perhaps most surprising is the way the Buddha’s core discovery implies a path with a very specific structure. Thus, one begins with the suffering of the delusional, illusory ego, progresses through a process of transformation and ends in a realisation of “oneself” as nothing other than the freedom of enlightenment. In traditional Buddhism, these three stages are understood as purifying our deluded sense of “self,” cultivating a sense of the buddhanature within and realising the awakened state.


As Pema Chödrön says, we begin where we are — with our habitual, pernicious self, solid and mostly unaware of anything beyond itself. The beginning of meditation involves simply sitting and attending to the breath. Usually, we start out completely invested in our thinking process. Our attention to the breath represents a withdrawal of investment from our concepts. This is accompanied by insights into what is occurring in our minds. We may think, “It’s my mind, of course I know what is going on in there.” But in fact, most people have very little idea of what they think about all day long, so fixated are they on the future and the past.

This initial stage of the path is often experienced as eye-opening, painful and depressing. We begin to see that most of our mental process is defined by grasping, hunger, pride, territoriality, arrogance, irritation, resentment and hostility. We see that our “compassion” is actually phoney and hollow, that we really care very little about others. We find that most of our relations are poisoned by jealousy, competitiveness and paranoia. Basically, we are a mess, hardly the lofty spiritual practitioners we may have been imagining.

Surprising as it may seem, such discoveries already represent the breaking through of the buddhanature into our sealed off, solipsistic ego-world. What we see may be quite daunting, but the seeing itself is clear, accurate and, in a way, selfless. These discoveries act as powerful purifiers, cutting through our illusions and undermining our investment in our “self.” They may leave us feeling shaky and vulnerable as if what had been previously relied upon is no longer viable.


In the context of the process of purifying, which continues as long as we have a “self” we hang on to, we begin to realise something else: that our supposedly solid, continuous “self” is far more impermanent, porous, transparent and insubstantial than we had thought. This, in turn, leads to some very interesting developments, corresponding to the stage of cultivating.

First, we begin to sense something of a very different nature peering through our compromised sense of “self.” Like the sun just peeping through a heavily overcast sky, on the “other side” of our ego, we begin to detect something that is brilliant, powerful and pure. This is the inherent nature of our own wakefulness spoken about in Buddhist texts. Upon beginning to sense this, we don’t know what to think. It is like when we first see something unexpectedly strange and wonderful, we are often left in a state of mind that is bewildered in a positive sense. We feel a kind of magical stillness and openness, not knowing what to think, yet utterly content in that state.

Our conditioned “self” has begun to undergo a transformation. It is in the process of becoming softer, more open and more receptive. Some of its arrogance, certainty and neurotic consistency is beginning to fall away. We find ourselves less fixed, stubborn and rigid. We discover genuine warmth within ourselves and find a natural caring and responsiveness for others beginning to emerge.

A further development follows naturally: we begin to discover confidence in the process of meditation, painful though it may often be, and in the gradual dissolving that it brings. When we suffer little ego-defeats or momentarily lose track of who we are, we are able to relax and appreciate the opportunities these experiences bring. This confidence is felt as a growing contentment, self-sufficiency and, dare one say, happiness. Importantly, these feelings are not conditioned — they do not depend on external circumstances being this way or that, or on things “going our way” or “working out.” It is an unconditioned feeling of well-being that enables us to surrender willingly to our own impermanence and delight in whatever provokes it. At this stage, we find meditation much easier, and instead of a mostly painful process, something refreshing, delightful and approached with anticipation.


As these processes of purifying and cultivating mature, they begin to support each other. The more we sense the vast backdrop of awareness behind our limited and ever-changing psychological life, the softer, more open and more trusting in experience we become. This in turn leads to an increasing sense of the unbounded non-self that is our ultimate nature. Even when we are caught up in some neurotic psychological drama or frenetically running around in our daily life, there is always this “other thing” going on: we have an increasing sense of this utterly still, fundamental “non-self” behind and supporting it all. Of course, this is not realisation in a final sense, but it is nonetheless a genuine taste of the awakened state, showing us where we are heading and leaving us with a subtle but very real joy in the fact of our human life.

In this way, the Buddhist path, its core methodology and its basic structure are all already implicit in the basic discovery of the Buddha concerning “self” and “non-self.” There is no such thing as a Buddhist perspective or Buddhist philosophy without practice. Once you actually understand what the Buddha is saying about his own awakening, you find yourself already within the fiery process of the path.

Like it or not, if you look at your own mind you will discover it is void and groundless; as insubstantial as empty space.

-- Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche

Wednesday 29 December 2021




佛教认为众生长时期的处于“轮回”当中,但又认为生命虽然是有尽期的,可是精神是永存的。慧远在《沙门不敬王者论》中的《形尽神不灭》说:“火之传于薪,犹神之传于形;火之传异薪,犹神之传异形。”就是说人的精神像薪火一样传递,永远不灭。在“十二因缘法”中指无明、行、识、名色,六入、触、受、爱、取、有、生、老死等十二个环节。这十二个环节相互连接构成了生命的循环过程,而十二个环节前后之间又互成因果,互为生灭条件,于是构成了过去、现在和未来三世的总因果循环链条。众生在此十二环节所组成的因果链条中“生生于老,轮回周无穷”。所以佛教认为众生处于生死轮回不已的苦海之中,应该灭除产生苦果的原因,以求解脱。轮回境界有三界(欲界、色界、无色界)与六道(地狱、饿鬼、畜生、阿修罗、人、天)。众生之所以沉沦于六道轮回之中,最根本的原因在于自身的“无明”,只要剔除“无明”而归于 “明”就可从轮回链条之中解脱出来。




Although your karmic afflictions are in no way affecting your pure awareness nature, they are creating the conditions wherein you remain unaware of it in its entirety. As long as you dwell in a state of lack of awareness, then the full magnitude of pure awareness cannot be experienced.

It is extremely important to ascertain your own fundamental nature without any doubt or incorrect view whatsoever and to understand very well how it is that it is, in fact, the innate nature of your mind. If you are able to do this, then you have correctly ascertained "the view".

As one begins to remove the veils of ignorance, the obscurations that prevent awareness, one begins to see the primordial qualities that have always been present, seeing them again and again until they become clearer and clearer as one keeps on practising the path.

The practice is really a process of viewing the primordial wisdom nature more and more clearly as it becomes more and more apparent.

-- Yangthang Rinpoche

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Flowers in Sky, Moon in Water

by Venerable Sheng Yen

Question: Grandmaster Xuyun (1840–1959) said, “Buddhist rites are like flowers in the sky, yet we need to conduct them at all times; a temple is like the moon in water, yet we must build temples everywhere.” Flowers in the sky and the moon reflected in water are illusory phenomena. From the apparent meaning of Master Xuyun’s words, Buddhist rites are like flowers in the sky and Buddhist temples are like the moon in the water; therefore, conducting rituals is the same as not conducting them, and building temples are the same as not building them. Nevertheless, Master Xuyun said that we should always conduct Buddhist rites, and we should build temples everywhere. What is his meaning?

Master Sheng Yen: These words of Master Xuyun are very positive, not negative. Many people misunderstand the word “emptiness” in Buddhism as meaning “hollow and illusory;” in the same way, the name Xuyun (Empty Cloud) might make people feel empty and barely visible, irrelevant. However, Master Xuyun himself was like a cloud in a clear sky, going where water is needed or providing shade. The Buddhist rites are performed to beseech the Buddha to deliver sentient beings; temples are places and occasions for people to practice the way to Buddhahood. Under normal circumstances flowers do not exist in the sky, so how could there be flowers in the sky? In one case, when a person who spreads the Dharma is very accomplished in practice, the heavenly devas may be moved to drop flowers from the sky; this would be a miracle. In another case, when the eyes are under some kind of pressure, some people will see optical illusions like flowers floating in space. There are also medical disorders where the person sees images or colours within their own eyes.

Hence flowers in the sky are mere illusions, and the moon in the water is merely a reflection. Similarly, in their quest for fame, wealth, power and influence, sentient beings spend their lives busy fishing for the moon in the water. It is the vanity of possessing the moon and many other unrealistic things. In the end, they find themselves mired and buried in the five desires [of wealth, sex, food, fame, and sleep]. Grandmaster Xuyun’s words have a very proactive and positive usefulness, for while the Buddhist rites are illusory, and Buddhist temples are mostly empty, their purpose is still different from the satisfaction of the five desires – indeed, they are the opposite.

To conduct Buddhist rites is to use Buddhadharma to help people both present at the ritual and elsewhere. Whatever language, scriptures, or implements are used, their purpose is to uplift the character, intelligence, morality, and inner wisdom of humanity; their purpose is also to cultivate blessings which will enable sentient beings to leave suffering, attain happiness, and depart from vexation. Buddhist monasteries and temples are very well-defined and structured venues for practice; so whenever conditions allowed, Elder Xuyun helped to rebuild run down temples that he came across in his travels, thus helping sentient beings everywhere. In this manner, during his life, he helped to restore more than ten ruined old temples. To him, conducting Buddhist rites and building Buddhist temples are the fundamental responsibilities of monastics to benefit sentient beings and purify the human world.

Compared with the force of the all-powerful weapons that exist today, we are nothing, even less than ants. And yet those weapons were not made by demons or aliens from another planet. They were made by humans just like me and you. . . . If we ever press the red button, others will do the same. If we bomb them, bombs will rain on us. That’s cause and effect, and it will just go on and on. So what can we do? Only one thing can help us: loving-kindness. Loving-kindness is the very foundation of a civilised world.

-- Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

Monday 27 December 2021












Bodhicitta transforms disturbing emotions, suffering and fear, and sickness and death into a path to enlightenment.

-- Khunu Rinpoche

Sunday 26 December 2021

Practise now because you can die any time

Advice by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche begins this teaching, “Practise Now Because You Can Die Anytime!” on 25 September 2020, at Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal. In this teaching, he explains that Buddhism teaches us that how things appear to our minds is totally opposite to how they exist. Every single thing we do in our lives with our body, speech, and minds is carried forth with this wrong view, which is a total hallucination.

Rinpoche further expounds why Buddhism is not just about chanting and learning rituals; it is for discovering oneself. And this basic Buddhist teaching offers the opportunity to learn about the truth of one's life – discovery of self.

“When you believe what your anger thinks”, Rinpoche explains, “you want to destroy your enemy”. You believe that what ignorance says is true. It is the same with attachment. You get stuck on an object and believe, “This is soooo good.”

In reality, there is nothing there; it is empty. What anger believes, what attachment believes, is not really there. Both anger and attachment are built on the basis of a wrong view of the object. “Every single word that the Buddha taught is to subdue the mind”, Rinpoche reminds. The way to do that is by meditating on death and impermanence. This destroys the concept of permanence, which makes anger, attachment, and all problems arise. Remembering death and impermanence is also the basis for lojong (thought transformation). “You can die at any time, so it's best to practise now!”, Rinpoche then shares a motivation for listening to the teaching and receiving the continued oral transmission of ‘The Heart’s Utmost Need’.

He reminds us that our purpose should be to benefit, and not harm, others. Our purpose should be to free numberless sentient beings from oceans of samsaric suffering forever, to bring them to peerless happiness, the total cessation of obscuration – gross and subtle, and then to the completion of all realisations. To achieve that, one must achieve omniscience and actualise the graduated path to enlightenment.

Therefore, think, “For that purpose, I will listen to the teachings for every single being.” You have to really think of the beings, even a tiny insect in front of you. You are listening for them. Following which, Rinpoche then continued with the oral transmission and commentary of ‘The Heart’s Utmost Need’. The following is an excerpt of the teaching, “Practise Now Because You Can Die Anytime!”.


Of course, basically, it is ‘dagdzin marigpa’, the ignorance of grasping the ‘I’. That which exists is a mere name, but then it appeared and you believed in a wrong view, as a real ‘I’, truly existing, existing from its own side, a real ‘I’. You live the whole... You do everything, every single, of body, speech, and mind every activity, you lead the whole entire life with this wrong concept and with this wrong view, a hallucination. You live the life, you do every single thing with this hallucination believing it is real, believing everything is real. Real! You do everything, believing it is real, with the hallucination that it is real, the concept that it is real. You do everything. Wow,  wow, wow. Amazing.

That, that is the basic, the very basic Buddhism, discovering yourself! Discovering yourself! Aaaah. Aaa-ah. You see? What is false in your life, what is truth in your life – that is discovering yourself. From beginningless rebirths up to now, how you have been believing yourself, how things appear to your mind is tooooooooooooooootally opposite. This is a hallucination. Aaaah. You have to realise this. That is the most important thing. It is basic Buddhism. Aaaah. Aaaah. Now you really understand what Buddhism is! Aaaah. What  Buddhism offers to your life, to learning about your life! Aaaah.

You see? You have to recognise that. It is not just chanting blah, blah, blah. It is not like that. Not at all. It is showing the truth! Aaaah. It is not just chanting blah, blah, blah. Many religions do chanting, making sounds. It is not just that. Now the more you learn now, now you can see what Buddhism is. How the most important it is in your life. Aaaah. Like that. Okay.


Then the self-cherishing. There is more to talk [about] how attachment brings so much suffering. Ssssh. People in the world have unbelievable suffering. Like yourself, you can understand, ssssh, how much suffering, how much it brings suffering in your life, and how much the people in the world are suffering. Due to ignorance, anger, attachment, there is so much [suffering]. By believing, when this thought arises, what it thinks is true. What ignorance thinks is true. What anger thinks is true – the expression, “This is an enemy. Oh, this is an enemy. I must destroy them, make them into pieces.” All that, you see? In the view of anger, it is that! While you are angry with the object (Rinpoche pounds his fist into his other hand), if you can...


Then it is the same thing with attachment, “Oh, this is real good, oooooo...” then a hundred percent your life got (will get) stuck to that; a hundred percent. In reality, it is nothing. There is nothing there, it is empty. There is no object there. What anger believes, what attachment believes, it is not there.


And that is, as I said many times, it is built on the basis of a wrong view, ‘dendzin marigpa’, ignorance grasping true existence. On the basis of that, the wrong basis is wrong. It is built on that basis, the view of the object, the view of the object of ignorance, anger,  attachment, a wrong concept. It is built on that basis. That is how people have so much suffering, sentient beings. Yourself from beginningless rebirths and how much, how much sentient beings are suffering. Okay.

The poisonous emotions that saturate people’s minds in this dark era are the principal cause of their wandering in the endless cycle of samsara. To deal with those emotions we need to keep constant vigilance, following the example of the Kadampa masters, who used to say:

I will hold the spear of mindfulness at the gate of the mind,
And when the emotions threaten,
I, too, will threaten them.
When they relax their grip, only then will I relax mine.

-- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Saturday 25 December 2021










My son, look! Observe your own mind! The mind is not verified by observation. How amazing that this unestablished mind-itself appears in manifold ways! Your own unborn mind is the Dharmakaya, and the Dharmakaya is without birth or destruction. How amazing that this embodiment of unborn, great bliss is present within you! In the Dharmakaya mirror of your own mind, non-dual primordial wisdom arises as luminosity. From the moment it arises, it is established, and it is inborn great bliss.

-- Mahasiddha Saraha

Friday 24 December 2021

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva

In Sutras And In Our Hearts (Part 2)

Previously, a brief introduction on Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, including and the etymology of the words ‘Guan Yin’ were made in Part 1 of “Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva – In Sutras and Our Hearts”. In this second part, we continue to delve deeper into Buddhist texts related to Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva-related and how we should not take for granted the affinity that all sentient beings have with  Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.


Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, also known as Guan Yin or Guan Shih Yin Pu Sa [观世音菩萨] is known to be the embodiment of infinite compassion, kindness, mercy and love. Mentioned in the first part that the Sanskrit ‘Avalokiteshvara’; with the ending ‘svara’; ‘sound’, ‘noise’, which means ‘sound perceiver’ and literally meaning ‘he who looks down upon sound’ – the cries of sentient beings who need his help. Adding on, ‘Guan Shih Yin’ means ‘literally “he who perceives the world's lamentations” – wherein ‘lok’ was read as simultaneously meaning both ‘to look’ and ‘world’.

It is in Chapter 25, “The Universal Door of Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva” (观世音菩萨普门品) in The Lotus Sutra or also known as The  Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra that states《妙法莲华经》that if “Living beings are beset with hardships, and oppressed by limitless sufferings, the power of Guanyin’s wondrous wisdom can rescue the world from suffering.”

Described as ‘True Contemplator, Pure Contemplator, Contemplator with Vast, Great Wisdom, Compassionate Contemplator, Kind Contemplator, may we constantly behold Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva with reverence!

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s undefiled pure light, the sun of wisdom that breaks through the darkness is able to quell calamities of wind and fire, as it shines on all worlds. Also, the compassion and wonderous kindness is like sweet dew and Dharma rain that can extinguish the flames of affliction.

Thus, when in the midst of contention, when faced with lawsuits, or when someone is terrified on the battlefield, if he evokes the strength of Guanyin, all his many enemies will scatter and leave.

So, complete with the power of spiritual penetrations, vastly wisdom and expedient means, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva are in the ten directions and can manifest in any place. And regardless of beings, the suffering of beings with ‘various evil destinies, those of the hells, ghosts, and animal realms, those with pain of birth, old age, sickness, and death can be gradually wiped away’. It is without a doubt that in times of suffering, agony, danger and death, He is our refuge and protector.

It is without a doubt that in times of suffering, agony, danger and death, He is our refuge and protector.


In a transcribed lecture by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, it states, “Our recitation of Guan Yin Bodhisattva's name should continue nonstop, like an ever-flowing stream, until everything becomes one. Walking, standing, sitting and lying down, we recite the name of  Guan Yin. We must pay close attention and not forget Guan Yin's name in thought afterthought. Each recitation must be clear and distinct, and we certainly shouldn't fall asleep or have idle thoughts while reciting. We must recite single-mindedly, thinking of nothing but the words “Namo Bodhisattva Guan Shih Yin”, not leaving the name whether we are walking, standing, sitting, or lying down.”


The Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra – a six-syllable mantra (六字大明陀罗尼或六字真言) is known to be the essence of all mantras. The first known description of the Mantra appears in the Karandavyuha Sutra《佛说大乘庄严宝王经》. In this Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha states, “This is the most beneficial Mantra. Even I made this aspiration to all the million past Buddhas.”

Being The Mantra of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, the meditation and recitation embody the love, compassion, power and superlative qualities of the enlightened beings – also reflecting our true nature (essence) that is within us.

Though six-syllabled, the benefits of the Mantra must not be seen be underestimated. In fact, the benefits and transformation that the Mantra can bring about are infinite. The most immediate transformation when reciting the Mantra is that ‘we connect with the body, by reciting the words of the liturgy and by repeating the Mantra, we connect with the voice, and by imagining the visual form of the Buddha, we connect with the mind’ and ‘through mantra, we no longer cling to the reality of speech and sound encountered in life, but experience it as essentially empty. Then, confusion of the speech aspect of our being is transformed into enlightened awareness'.

In “The Benefits of Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum”, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, shares, ‘The benefits of reciting this Mantra are infinite, like  the limitless sky.’ Reciting this Mantra once can purify the four defeats of breaking the four root vows of self-liberation and the five uninterrupted negative karmas. As mentioned in the tantras, chanting this Mantra, one can achieve the four qualities of being born in the Amitabha Buddha Pure Land (and other pure lands); at the time of death, one can see the Buddha and lights appearing and devas making offerings; and never being reborn in the hell, hungry ghost or animal realms. One will be reborn in the pure land of Buddha or as a happy trans-migratory being. The benefits of reciting the Mantra is so astounding that if one who has completed ten malas of recitation, were to go swimming, be it in a stream, river, lake or ocean, this body of water that touches the person’s body gets blessed.

Rinpoche explains that even if one does not have much intellectual understanding of the Dharma (even if the only thing one knows is ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’, then it is ‘still the happiest life one has lived with an attitude-free of the eight worldly concerns’. According to his experience, in his home in Solu Khumbu, Nepal, there are people who live their lives chanting ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’, without the slightest idea of the three principal aspects of the path – renunciation, bodhicitta and the right view of emptiness. Despite the fact that they are illiterate – they cannot read and do not even know the alphabet – they have great devotion to compassion and bodhicitta and live their lives reciting ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’. Such people are warm-hearted, very kind and very compassionate. This is proof from Rinpoche's experience that it has the effect of transforming the mind into a good heart and compassion.

Also, if one can lead one’s life with the pure attitude that is free of attachment and clinging to this life, and then simply spend one’s life chanting ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’, then that is indeed the purest Dharma.

If one intellectualises emptiness, non-arising, beyond mind, freedom from extremes and so on in any way, not dwelling in actual reality, one will be very distracted. 

-- Mahasiddha Virupa

Thursday 23 December 2021


























A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure.

-- The Buddha

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva

In Sutras And In Our Hearts (Part 1)

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is also known as Guan Shih Yin Pu Sa [观世音菩萨] or more popularly known as the Goddess of Mercy. The words ‘Guan Yin’ is a translation from the Sanskrit ‘Avalokiteshvara’; with the ending ‘svara’; ‘sound’, ‘noise’, meaning ‘sound perceiver’ and literally, ‘he who looks down upon sound’ — the cries of sentient beings who need his help. This etymology was further reinforced by the tendency of some Chinese translators, notably Kumarajiva, who used the variant ‘Guan Shih Yin’ that means ‘literally “he who perceives the world's laments and cries” — wherein ‘lok’ was read as simultaneously meaning both ‘to look’ and ‘world’.

Synonymous with infinite compassion, kindness, mercy and love; Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva has been depicted in many forms; male, female and at times even genderless. But in many Chinese and Southeast Asian cultures, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is most commonly depicted as female and throughout history, the veneration of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is common and even more so on her holy day(s) that are celebrated thrice a year — birth (2nd lunar month), enlightenment (6th lunar month) and renunciation (9th lunar month).


Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s resolve to postpone his own Buddhahood until he has helped all sentient beings to be released from dukkha and the samsaric cycle of death and rebirth, to achieve liberation exemplifies the compassion and selflessness of the Bodhisattva, reinforcing the connection with all sentient beings.


Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is loved and venerated throughout the Buddhist world across Mahayana, Theravada and Vajrayana Buddhism for many reasons rooted in the faith, belief and confidence in the Bodhisattva by many, especially in times of need. Generally, the more commonly derived feminine attributes of Guan Shih Yin Pu Sa is known to have originated from the Sanskrit Avalokiteshvara — her male form, since all representations of Bodhisattva were masculine. As the Lotus Sutra relates, Guan Shih Yin Pu Sa is, "by manifesting in a variety of forms, travels in the world, conveying the beings to salvation".



The Lotus Sutra is the first time the Avalokiteshvara is mentioned; Chapter 25 refers to him as Lokesvara (Lord God of All Beings) and Lokanatha (Lord and Protector of All Beings) and ascribes extreme attributes of divinity to him and is able to assume any forms — a child, adult, either gender or genderless and even other beings — whichever best in conveying the message of compassion and answer to those who call out to him (her) in their suffering. It also teaches that by calling on the name of the Bodhisattva, one can obtain both worldly and spiritual benefits.


Also known as the Karandavyuha Sutra, this sutra is a mantrayana sutra which extols the virtues and powers of Avalokiteshvara, including the physical transformations of the appearance, described with multiple heads, arms, and eyes. It is also particularly notable for introducing the mantra, ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ into the sutra tradition.

In the above painting of the Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva is ‘seated facing forward on a lotus pedestal with a resplendent jewelled canopy above him. The “thousand” arms of the deity, each containing a single eye, fan out in a circular fashion so as to completely envelop his body. The largest of the arms, located closer to the body, hold implements such as a sutra, mirror, water vessel, alms bowl, and willow spray. Inside the Bodhisattva’s elaborate headdress is a tiny figure of Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Pure Land with whom Avalokiteshvara is closely associated with’. This sutra also serves as the basis for the popular ritual of repentance, Dabei Chan (Ritual of Great Compassion Repentance), created by the Tien Tai Master Siming Zhili 四明知礼 (960-1028), one of the most frequently performed rituals even till today. It also contains the dharani known as Dabei Zhou (Great Compassion Dharani).


The Heart Sutra, also known as the Prajnapramitahrdaya is a popular sutra in Mahayana Buddhism, can be translated as The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom. It encapsulates the highest truth of the sunyata in Mahayana Buddhism though comprising “only” a few paragraphs as compared to other sutras. It is often referred to as a very condensed contemplation manual, with the essence of all the Prajnaparamita Sutras, or an explanation of emptiness in a nutshell. Regardless of the many explanations of what it is, one stands out — it is a sutra that connects our heart with the heart of the great Bodhisattva — the embodiment of the loving-kindness and compassion of all buddhas.

Knowing that the nature of anger and happiness is empty, just do not attach to them, and your karma will fall away.

-- Bodhidharma

Tuesday 21 December 2021

至心念佛 能消百世业障








Since calm abiding and higher insight
are combined together,
and since it is supreme,
and one desires to arrive, it is called "path"

-- Niguma

Monday 20 December 2021

Spaciousness (Part 1)

by Gil Fronsdal

It might be helpful to consider that some of the things that Buddhism considers quite valuable are very different from what our society generally thinks as valuable. And perhaps some of the most important things that Buddhism emphasises that are extremely valuable in Buddhist practice and maybe for a really happy life — turns out to not be things. Turns out not to be anything that can be called a thing,  and could have more to do with absence, than with the presence of something, and absence is something that you can't sell.

A lot of absence usually means sometimes, you know, like how people pay a lot of money for a big house that has a lot of space there.  So, you can do something like that. But, you know, you don't go sell units of absence. And so, the absence that's important has got to do with absence in the mind. And so for always focusing on things, ideas, experiences, feelings — these are all things that can qualify as things. But you know, maybe what's most important is the absence and that the absence takes a different number of different qualities or characteristics. And maybe it's different people or it's different times that will pull out these different kinds of characteristics of absence. And one of them is spaciousness, to give space to our experiences, to give space to our thoughts. And rather than being in conflict with anything, what happens if you simply give space for it to be there?

So instead of, for example, if you have terrible thoughts: “Oh, no, I'm, what a terrible person I am.” Let's make space for those thoughts, lots of space. Maybe the more difficult the thoughts are, the more space they need. So, there's no conflict in what you've seen and if held in a whole different way. And if there's enough space around those difficult thoughts, they're going to lose some of their power — we're probably not going to believe them as strongly and when we don’t identify with them as strongly, we're not going to hold on to them, or be pushed around by them. There's much more chance for them to have wisdom about them. As you know, to create space around the emotions and space around the situations that we are in, and even into personal situations that are difficult, otherwise, we can get pulled and get entangled in all the difficulty in the conversations and what goes on.

Thus, just kind of in a metaphorical way — step back and make space for anything at all. I mean, I have done this so many times, and the magic of what happens is that the whole thing kind of changes.

Sometimes, if one person kind of relaxes and opens up, with “It's okay. I'm going to have space for this”; but it's a very different language and say you're going to accept something because acceptance is a thing. So then, you're back in the world of things. But just make big emptiness around the absence around it, just make space and then see how things unfold with more space.

Another thing that I associate absence with is stillness. Allow there to be a stillness at the heart in a loving, soft, secure way. Let the heartbeat still work, find the stillness that's within — the stillness that is not reaching for things, pulling away from things, recoiling from things, resisting things, reaching out for things — that place that is still, inside the still-point. And when I hear the expression “still-point”, I think of the centre, like a centre of a wheel and in a certain kind of way, the centre kind of stills the wheel while the rim is spinning around that. You know for a wheel, while there's an actual whole, you know, that there is an absence, right? What happens is absence.

Then, you know, if you take the wheel off its axle and just kind of roll it down the street and there's the there's the hole in the middle. Is that spinning? Is that absence — that space there — is that spinning, or just the wheel is spinning? Or like looking at the eye of a hurricane — which is supposed to be quite still; for those who have seen the eye of a  hurricane, they say it's still.

So can you find the place? The eye of your hurricane — inside the place of stillness.

And the other word that is associated with this absence? "Silence". Have a silent mind? I  think it was John Cage, or I Mozart when asked, “What's the most important most important part of your music?”. And if I have it right, the answer was, “The silence”. You know, we focus on the notes on the page but not the silence on the score. It is actually the silence that highlights the music or the notes and all that. It's possible to have silence and noise, silence and sound together.

Sometimes, it is the presence of silence that makes the noise and the sound that stand out on highlight. So, the same is true about the silence in the mind and silence in the heart, there can be a stillness, a spaciousness of silence. While there is contraction or agitation, there's active movement. While there is noise, or while there are thoughts, it doesn't have to be either because these two can be together. Its kind of like the absence can be what holds everything. You can't have a life without things too.

It is important for us to take time to pause now and then and contemplate how amazing, how precious this human life is. Now and then when you are alone, when you are in nature, you feel this understanding. Your mind becomes so quiet. Your mind is no longer preoccupied with the past and the future. It is no longer busy with all your strategies, all your plans and projects. When your heart is completely open and quiet, you understand this truth naturally, the preciousness of your own human existence. Not only do you feel that your own life is precious, you feel that this whole existence is also precious and sacred.

-- Anam Thubten Rinpoche

Sunday 19 December 2021







近代高僧印光法师在向弟子开示时,也告诫弟子,学佛必须要有恭敬、虔诚之心,方能获得佛法真实利益。印光法师在《致弘一法师书一》中说:“入道多门,唯人志趣,了无一定之法。其一定者,曰诚,曰恭敬。此事,虽尽未来际诸佛出世,皆不能易也。而吾人以博地凡夫,欲顿消业累,速证无生,不致力于此,譬如木无根而欲茂,鸟无翼而欲飞,其可得乎。”印光法师告诉弘一法师,以 诚敬之心求法,是一切三世诸佛证道的共同方式,作为博地凡夫的人,如果想消除过去之业,速证无生之果,若没有对佛法的恭敬之心,便难以有成就。

印光法师在《复邓伯诚书一》中说:“余常谓,欲得佛法实益,须向恭敬中求。有一分恭敬, 则消一分罪业,增一分福慧。有十分恭敬,则消十分罪业,增十分福慧。若无恭敬而致亵慢,则罪业愈增,而福慧愈减矣。”法师指出,以恭敬心学佛,不仅可以消除业障,而且还能够增长福慧。如果学佛没有恭敬心,甚至亵渎佛法,则将增加自己的罪业。



If, as you meditate on mind training, your personality becomes stiff with pride and arrogance, it's as though you have reduced a god to a demon; dharma has become non-dharma. The more you meditate on mind training and dharma, the more supple your personality should become. Act as the lowest servant to everyone. 

-- Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye

Saturday 18 December 2021

Becoming Human

by Zen Master Seung Sahn

If you look closely at human beings in the world today, you notice that they are not human beings. They don't act like human beings. If a human being acts correctly, then he or she becomes a true human being. Moment to moment, what do you do? What is your correct direction? Moment to moment, what is your correct life? How do you find your correct way? How do you save all beings from suffering?

We come into this world empty-handed. What do we do in this world? Why did we come into this world? This body is an empty thing. What is the one thing that carries this body around? Where did it come from? You must understand that you must find that. So, if you want to find that, you have to ask yourself, "What am I?" Always keep this big question. Thinking has to disappear. We have to take away all our thinking, cut off our thinking. Then our true self appears, then our true mind appears...

In this world, how many people really want practice? Many people don't practice at all, fight day and night, and all-day exercise their desire, their anger, their ignorance. When you lose this body, then you have nothing you can take with you. When this body disappears, what will you take with you? What will you do? Where will you go? You don't know, right? If this "don't know" is clear, then your mind is clear, then also the place you go is clear. Then you understand your job, you understand why you were born into this world. Then you understand what you do in this world. When you understand that, then you can become a human being.

Changing habits is like a straightening out of a tightly rolled scrap of paper. You unfold the paper and straighten it out, but if you let go of it even briefly, it rolls right back up by itself.

-- Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Friday 17 December 2021





那麼,三寶具備的品質又是什麼?佛 法 僧佛,是覺悟,具足無限的慈悲和智慧法,是空性及趣入空性的中道僧,是聖賢僧的品質,即無漏慧及解脫德




佛法的一切修行,都是幫助我們成就內在的、佛菩薩那樣的品質。念觀音聖號,是為了憶念觀音菩薩的大慈大悲之心,以此作為學習榜樣,時時激發自己,圓滿同樣的慈悲品質; 念彌陀洪名,是為了憶念阿彌陀佛的四十八大願,以此作為修行楷模,時時策勵自己,成就同樣的宏誓偉願。
