Wednesday 31 July 2019








"我們最好做好自己。如果每個人做好自己這個世界自然會和平吉祥!國家也會安寧,衆生也得幸福!但何爲幸福呢?有人認爲開心是幸福;有人認爲知足是幸福;有人認爲健康長壽就是幸福。到底什麽是幸福呢? 還得看個人的需求。事實上,沒有永恒的幸福,但時時保有一顆感恩的心,就會常常感覺到幸福。" 




“你想得到幸福嗎?如果想,那就放棄想幸福的念頭。你想放棄想幸福的念頭嗎? 如果想,那就放棄不幸福的執著。你想放棄不幸福的執著嗎? 如果想,那就無條件地知足對現在的生活吧!阿彌陀佛!”





Your mind won’t be found elsewhere. It is the very nature of this moment-to-moment thinking. Regard nakedly the essence of this thinking and you find present awareness, right where you are.

-- Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye

Tuesday 30 July 2019

The Wisdom of Discernment

by Khandro Rinpoche

In the Buddhist Sutras, we find that the Buddha's students requested him not to enter into mahaparinirvana. At that point, the Buddha gave his most essential teaching on the experience of death. The essence of the instruction is this: Everything that is born dies; everything that is generated goes through degeneration and destruction.

We can do no greater harm to ourselves than not to think about impermanence. Where impermanence is not properly understood, everything samsaric becomes important and a seemingly reasonable cause to accomplish, when in fact life is as fragile as a bubble. We cannot really say whether the next moment will bring the experience of the next moment or the next life. In the time between inhaling and exhaling, we cannot guarantee that breath will not stop. The causes of impermanence and death are many; at this very moment, we could do something to cause destruction or death to arise. We cannot really plan ahead as far as tomorrow, let alone the next ten or twenty years.

If the mind is obscured by ignorance at the time of death, it will create more ignorance. If we respond to the experience of impermanence with complete openness and selflessness, however, our understanding will be the foundation of liberation from suffering.

Contemplating impermanence gives rise to the wisdom of discernment. With this we can truly discern between useful activities that bring about genuine goodness and useless activities that are of no benefit to anyone. Seeing the enormous amount of time and energy we spend in useless activities, we can turn our mind toward Dharma, which is an activity that is truly fruitful and beneficial for sentient beings.

In such a fragile and changing existence, what distraction, laziness, or ignorance is important enough to dismantle the awareness needed to rest in your fundamental nature? Contemplating impermanence, focus your mind on this: If death occurs at this moment, what is most essential? What will truly benefit yourself and others? Will any of the concepts, hesitations, or distractions that you allow to rule your life truly make any sense at the moment of death? And if holding on to such things won't help you or anyone else at that moment, why would any sensible human being with such precious endowments continue to be enslaved by them?

At this moment, you have the potential for control. You can take this opportunity to bring your potential to fruition. To do this, you must let go of any stubbornness and grasping at notions of solidity where there is none — and bring whatever arises into genuine awareness inseparable from buddha mind, your enlightened essence.

It is not only in death that we see constant change: time is constantly changing; thoughts are constantly changing. Constant movement prevents the mind from ever coming to rest with complete certainty that it is not subject to impermanence. Nevertheless, we continue to assume that time is solid, thoughts are solid, our movements are solid, and this "self" is solid. Mistaking that which is impermanent to be permanent, we come up with a mistaken view, based on which we try to solidify things that are constantly in flux.

Time is a simple example of this. We usually think of time in terms of past, present, and future time. Each of these notions requires the existence of one moment that stays still. We base our solid sense of time on a single solid moment called present time, and any other moment is past or future. Proving this, however, is impossible, since there is no such thing as "present time." The stream of time is constantly changing and not solid: as soon as we think of the present it is already past.

In the same way, thoughts are constantly in flux. As soon as we think a certain thought — and then busily base our judgements on it — its inner essence has already moved on. The movement of the initial thought creates a second thought; and by the time we recognise it, the second thought arises as a third thought, and so on.

And what about this seemingly solid self? Nagarjuna describes how even the great and massive civilisations of this earth are completely dismantled, changed, and, impermanent as dust particles, blown away by the wind. Whole world systems collide and collapse and become extinct. Compared to that, any arrogance based on the seeming solidity of a single, impermanent self would be quite unnecessary and a mark of ignorance.

But we have come to believe in the solidity of our emotions and to base our judgements on them. From the belief in a solid self — which can't even be posited from the standpoint of impermanence — grasping and the logic of grasping arise. Because we think we have cause for grasping and an object to grasp, endless displays of selfishness and emotions create further distraction from the fundamental ground. We will continue to generate selfishness and unkindness as long as we maintain some cause: jealousy has a cause, hatred has a cause, aggression has a cause. These are the depths of ignorance to which the minds of sentient beings can go.

Although selfishness has no actual cause or location, we still feel that ultimately, somewhere inside, there's a secure storeroom where attachment is quietly hidden and all of the things we want to hold on to are stacked and inventoried. But if everything is in a constant state of flux, what could we possibly find to protect or maintain? And how could we possibly "store" anything? All of the emotional displays that we try to maintain are nothing but suppositions of mind — a mind that hasn't understood change.

Allow your mind to go further into a sense of death arising in each passing moment. Every move you make is an indication of change and impermanence. Each moment you sit in meditation, manifold degeneration, destruction, and change take place. In light of this, any tendency to still feel separate from impermanence and change would be absolute ignorance, which would prevent clear understanding from arising in the mind. Remain in meditation with a genuine awareness of constant impermanence and the urgency arising from this.

If impermanence is true, however, we can actually give rise to positive tendencies. If change is the very nature of all outer and inner phenomena, there is no basis for any confidence in a solid self and no need for any logic to defend or protect it. Why then would we generate anger, for example? Anger is generated solely to protect a self that has to retain its identity and defend its ground — a self that is not really there. Contemplating our various experiences of impermanence, we can understand how unnecessary and useless it is to grasp at a self — at which point genuine selflessness arises.

There are fewer and fewer trustworthy people in this degenerate time, so we should be discreet in our actions and restrain from idle talk, to keep ourselves away from unnecessary troubles.

-- His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

Monday 29 July 2019
















见处住地 - 指三界见惑;
欲爱住地 - 指欲界九品思惑;
色爱住地 - 指色界四地三十六品思惑;
有爱住地 - 指无色界四地三十六品思惑;
无明住地 - 指三界九地的无明烦恼。



















































It is said that form is not the self, that the self does not possess form, that the self does not dwell on form, and that form does not dwell on the self. Please realise that the remaining four aggregates are empty in the same way.

-- Nāgārjuna

Sunday 28 July 2019

Don’t Always Trust Your Perceptions

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Near the mountain, there is a lake with clear, still water reflecting the mountain and the sky with pristine clarity. You can do the same. If you are calm and still enough, you can reflect the mountain, the blue sky, and the moon exactly as they are. You reflect whatever you see exactly as it is, without distorting anything.

Have you ever seen yourself in a mirror that distorts the image? Your face is long, your eyes are huge, and your legs are really short. Don’t be like that mirror. It is better to be like the still water on the mountain lake.

We often do not reflect things clearly, and we suffer because of our wrong perceptions. Suppose you are walking in the twilight and see a snake. You scream and run into the house to get your friends, and all of you run outside with a flashlight. But when you shine your light on the snake, you discover that it isn’t a snake at all, just a piece of rope. This is a distorted perception.

When we see things or listen to other people, we often don’t see clearly or really listen. We see and hear our projections and our prejudices. We are not clear enough, and we have a wrong perception. Even if our friend is giving us a compliment, we may argue with him because we distort what he says.

If we are not calm, if we only listen to our hopes or our anger, we will not be able to receive the truth that is trying to reflect itself on our lake. We need to make our water still if we want to receive reality as it is. If you feel agitated, don’t do or say anything. Just breathe in and out until you are calm enough. Then ask your friend to repeat what he has said. This will avoid a lot of damage. Stillness is the foundation of understanding and insight. Stillness is strength.

Formerly this mind went wandering where it liked, as it wished and as it listed. Today with attentiveness I shall completely hold it in check, as a mahout (holds in check) an elephant in must.

-- The Buddha

Saturday 27 July 2019









据《联灯会要》卷一云: 世尊在灵山会上拈花示众,众皆默然,唯迦叶破颜微笑。世尊云:“吾有正法眼藏,涅槃妙心,实相无相,微妙法门,不立文字,教外别传,付嘱摩诃迦叶。”这则著名的禅宗公案不仅表示禅家注重正法相传,亦表示禅宗不滞教门之文字语言,直接洞见心地了悟之意。这种不依语言文字,直接证悟佛陀所悟的境界,就称为“教外别传”。









Mind, conceptual thought, and dharmakāya: these three are innate at the outset. Because through instruction one gains contact with these as one, wouldn’t you call this “gaining contact with the innate nature”?

-- Gampopa

Friday 26 July 2019

Chenrezig - Bodhisattva of Compassion 

by Ken Holmes

Universal love and compassion are the very foundation of every bodhisattva's spirituality yet nowhere are they more evident than in Chenrezig. In many ways, he is the archetypal expression of compassion, which is the sine qua non for attaining enlightenment. He occurs throughout mahayana Buddhism, either as a specific being or, more commonly, as an archetypal bodhisattva who is the quintessential expression of every Buddha's love.


Whether it be plain fact or apocryphal legend, the story of Chenrezig as a specific being is also the tale of compassion as it develops in the mind. Compassion is first born through a sincere wish for enlightenment and a vision of life's meaning which puts others first. The initially heroic approach towards helping others mellows and deepens as the infinite vastness of the task unfolds and the underlying nature of samsara becomes clear. One also comes to recognise the diabolical skill of ignorance in eluding the truth and thwarting attempts at its destruction. This forces one to learn how to tackle it from many angles simultaneously. After long experience of the battle between good and evil, one finds a need to draw closer to the real heart of the problem and to befriend and understand it rather than attacking it. For this, one must learn how to mobilise both the masculine and feminine aspects of mind's innate loving compassion, and be both dynamic yet responsive in one's dealings with the myriad manifestations of mind. These steps are all reflected in the traditional story:

"Countless ages ago, a thousand young men vowed to become Buddhas, each offering up a different resolution. One resolved to become Gautama Buddha, in what was a far distant time in the future and which has now become our era. Another, Chenrezig, resolved not to become enlightened until all the others had succeeded, promising to assist them all in their task and to be the servant of any being wishing to attain enlightenment, anywhere in the universe. He would both teach them and put questions on their behalf to the Buddhas, as humans often find it difficult to formulate their enquiries clearly.

Feeling great compassion for all beings, he made many journeys into their various domains of existence, from the highest realms of the gods to the most pitiful hells. The more he saw of the confusion and suffering that predominated everywhere, the more he longed to be of help. He prayed to the Buddhas, May I help all beings. Should I ever tire of this great work, may my body be shattered into a thousand pieces. Subsequently he visited the worst hell (avici hell) and liberated as many beings as were receptive to his teachings. Progressively he worked his way up through the worlds until he reached the deva realms. Surveying the universe, he saw that although he had released thousands from the sufferings of the three lower realms — animals, spirits and hell-beings - thousands more new entrants were pouring in to take their place. Distressed by this and despondent, his resolve waned and he flew into a thousand pieces, like the seeds of a pomegranate. He cried out to all the Buddhas who, like a fall of snowflakes, came to his rescue and made him whole again through their beneficent influence. Thereafter, he had a thousand arms and nine heads, to which Amitabha Buddha added a special head along with the blessing of his higher wisdom. Then Bodhisattva Vajrapani added a wrathful head symbolising the special powers of all the Buddhas. This is why Chenrezig is sometimes depicted with a thousand arms and eleven heads.

In his new form, Chenrezig became even more powerful than before but he was still moved to tears by the manifold sufferings of samsara. Again he took a solemn vow before all the Buddhas, May I not attain enlightenment until every last being has been liberated. At one time, his tears of compassion fell to the ground and caused two lotuses to spring up. From each of these emerged a form of the female Bodhisattva Tara, one white and the other green. Tara (dolma in Tibetan) means the Saviouress, the One Who Carries Across the Ocean of Samsara. The two Taras pledged to be Chenrezig's sisters in dharma and to help him bring beings to enlightenment."

The mahayana scriptures also recount that Chenrezig offered his mantra Om mani padme hung to the Buddha, who advised him to use it a a very special means for liberating beings. The Enlightened One blessed the mantra, pronouncing that it embodied the compassion of all the Buddhas combined. At that time the gods rained flowers on the worlds, the earth quaked with soft rumblings and the air was filled with the sound of celestial beings chanting the mantra.


It is not unusual for one buddha, or even bodhisattva, to be placed centre stage by a particular sect, as is the case, for instance, with Buddha Amitabha in the teachings of the Japanese Pure Land school. But the fact that a whole nation — possessing the greatest diversity of Buddhism found anywhere on Earth - considers itself to be guided and protected by Chenrezig is a tribute to him indeed.

The early kings who brought Buddhism to Tibet are believed by Tibetans to have been emanations of Chenrezig and Mañjushri. Since then, some of the greatest reincarnate lamas, such as the seventeen generations of Karmapas and, more latterly, the fourteen Dalai Lamas, are also considered to be his emanations. More strikingly, almost every Buddhist in Tibet recited Chenrezig's mantra om mani padme hung on a daily basis, to such an large extent that a popular saying recounts that Tibetan children pick up the mani mantra before learning to say mama or papa.


Mahayana Buddhism offers a wealth of techniques for transmuting the negative into the positive. At the heart of them all is compassion. Chenrezig the bodhisattva is the symbolic expression of all these forms of compassion in action. As the Discourse on Chenrezig's Realisation says:

Were one thing and one thing alone to represent every enlightened quality, as though it were in the palm of one's hand, what would it be? Great compassion.

The light of compassion shines wisely and with timeliness. It illuminates things appropriate to a particular disciple. It shows the family person how to bring peace, wisdom and harmony into the household. It shows the solitary meditator how to relate lovingly yet firmly to the complexities of his or her own mind. It shows the ruler how to govern and the afflicted how to cope with their suffering. Some of the techniques of compassion are superficial and remedial. Others are extremely profound and radical. Of the more profound techniques, Chenrezig is particularly associated with the use of the power of sound as a gateway to liberation.

The Suramgama Sutra tells how, in ages long gone by, the bodhisattva followed a certain Buddha Avalokitesvara, from whom he took his name, who instructed him to focus his meditation on the faculty of hearing. By analysing what at first seemed to be two things - external sound and the inner faculty of hearing — the bodhisattva soon recognised their inseparability; their non-duality. Neither could be found to have existence on its own and hence each was devoid of existence. By then pursuing this voidness, with direct awareness rather than intellectual analysis, the bodhisattva understood the whole question of consciousness and attained successive degrees of enlightenment, thereby acquiring extraordinary powers to help others. We find these powers, which are embodied in his mantra om mani padme hung, also mentioned in the Lotus Sutra. They enable him to manifest to anyone, in forms having direct relevance to their needs. He appears as the Buddha to teach bodhisattvas, as a disciplined monk to those seeking the Four Noble Truths, as a mighty dharma warrior to those wishing to protect the weak, as a wise civil elder to those wanting to learn government, as a nun to women weary of their worldly lot, as a powerful Brahmin to those wishing to master natural energies and so on and so forth.

Praying to Chenrezig, reciting the mani mantra and practising profound meditation on the nature of sound is believed to save people in dire situations, such as shipwrecks, fires and armed attacks. Some hold that reciting a million such mantras can enable the blind to see. Sometimes such claims are meant to be taken at face value but fuller explanations show them to be more reasonable, since they work over a period of lives. The general theme of such explanations is that misfortunes are caused by bad karma and that such karma is more often than not habitual, and therefore likely to produce the same misfortune in future lives. Meditation on Chenrezig and his mantra not only radically ruptures these negative habits but also opens the inner floodgates of compassion, spontaneously giving rise to their opposites, replacing aggression with love and tolerance and so forth.

Chenrezig takes on many forms in the tantras, having one, three, five, seven, nine, eleven and so on up to 84,000 faces, with two, four, six, eight, ten twelve and so on up to 84,000 arms. Some of his forms are gentle, kind and merciful. Others show the wrathful face of compassion. The extraordinary quality of the most common form — that with one face and four arms — is to be the only tantric practice which bears no element of risk and which can be practised by anyone and everyone. In general, mahayana Buddhists believe the grace of Chenrezig to be so powerful that even one sincere recitation of his mantra or one open-hearted look at his kind face is enough to sow a seed of future illumination in the mind.

Also widely practised is the eleven faced, one-thousand-armed form associated with the two-day uposita fasting ritual, known as nyungné by Tibetans. Involving an austere first day and total abstention from food or drink during the second day, this ritual is one of continuous prayer, humility and generation of compassion. It is aimed at helping wretched ghosts and spirits and, in the process, eliminating some of the participants' bad karma, caused through greed and avarice. More wrathful than this form is the red standing form of Chenrezig known as 'He who shakes the very foundations of existence'.

This nobility and gentleness alone, this nonviolence of thought and action, is the traceless path of all Buddhas. To walk this all-embracing way is the bliss of Buddhahood.

-- Tilopa

Wednesday 24 July 2019














As one lamp serves to dispel a thousand years of darkness, so one flash of wisdom destroys ten thousand years of ignorance.

-- Venerable Hui Neng

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Compassion without Illusions 

by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche

As we go through our lives, we undergo tremendous struggles; yet we do not seem able to accomplish or achieve what we would like. In addition, there are a great many undesirable things that we would like to avoid, but we are unable to do so. As a result of these conflicts, we experience a great deal of pain and suffering.

Yet the simple truth is that each and every one of us inherently possesses powerful resources. Each of us has the potential to experience true wisdom, or, for that matter, transcendent awareness; we have the potential to express gentleness and genuine compassion; we have the potential to generate great warmth and kindness towards ourselves and others; we have the potential to engender openness and patience. Nevertheless, we have misconceptions about ourselves and the world around us. We wrongly assume that that which we all desire — a true sense of well-being and contentment — comes from external situations, things outside of ourselves.

Armed with this erroneous notion, we try to solve our internal conflict and dissatisfaction externally. But the truth of the matter is that no matter how much we try to manipulate external things to secure a complete sense of well-being for ourselves, we will never have complete control over external reality. All along, we have been working with the wrong tools, overlooking the actual, workable potentialities and concentrating on superficial things, hoping something genuine and unconditioned will come out of that. But whatever is superficial runs counter to that which is genuinely true. This seems to be our basic problem, confusing our external situation with our own potential for internal well-being and mental harmony.

Another serious delusion we have is the unyielding primacy of our egocentricity, our "I for myself" attitude. We limit our perspective to our own happiness, our own satisfaction. We are concerned only with how we can make things better in our lives, and if it creates problems or inconveniences for anyone else, it doesn't matter, because we need this or that for ourselves. Thus we create a fence, or an enclosure, around ourselves. Once this egoistic mechanism has been constructed, it causes an upheaval of conflicting emotions, such as jealousy, aggression, and so forth.

When we limit our minds to a selfish notion of happiness and well-being, obstacles of all kinds will seem to arise spontaneously in order to thwart our plans or destroy what we have created around ourselves. Consequently, we respond to these obstacles with aggression or with jealousy, feeling that our private enclosure is being threatened or jeopardised. And we know from personal experience that when conflicting emotions are constantly running rampant in our lives, there is no possibility of experiencing or even appreciating any sense of well-being, goodness, or true sanity.

When we stop to think about it, we find our lives full of uncomfortable experiences. We all know certain individuals whose lives seem to be constantly plagued with problems, no matter where they are. Their relationships with other people do not work out, nor do their living or job arrangements. They try to find new acquaintances, or they move to another place, and that does not work out either. They find themselves in situations where it seems as if the world is isolating them. They feel as though they were excluded from the world, in some sense. In this way, wherever they go they have very painful experiences. This is caused by the tremendous expectations they have of others and of the world at large. Instead of recognising that they have the inherent potential to experience this for themselves, no matter who they are or what their current situation is, it is as if they believe the world owes them the experience of well-being and goodness. Failing to acknowledge their own resourcefulness, they indulge in this deception and develop a sense of total deprivation about themselves.

There are other individuals who seem to have an atmosphere of pleasantness or friendliness around them, who have endearing personalities and are well mannered and cultured. Wherever these individuals go, they feel good about themselves and have healthy, positive attitudes about things. They can generously extend genuine warmth and offer others a genial smile. They are able to do this because there is an element of stability and gentleness, maybe even clarity, about their minds.

Our lives can be led in the same fashion. Since we basically experience our lives through the filter of our minds, the makeup of our minds will determine the quality of our lives. For instance, when we experience a very gentle, easy mind, we then allow ourselves to feel good about who we are, and the things that we do become enjoyable. We are able to enjoy the food we eat, and our interactions with others are very good. On the other hand, when we have a disturbed mind, a mind of aggression and jealousy, subject to the upheaval of conflicting emotions, we are not able to fully enjoy anything. Even if we are surrounded by the best of things — good companions, good food, and various other luxuries — we cannot enjoy them. In this case, it would not be too far fetched to say that our minds have flipped upside down, because all priorities are completely inverted. While we have the potential to be totally free from deception and to experience genuine love for ourselves and others, we still entertain ourselves with the illusion of limitations. We believe that our only resort is to change the phenomenal world outside of ourselves.

Hence, while we strive for well-being and an experience of life that is free of suffering, as long as we are not free from conflicting emotions such as aggression and jealousy, we are never going to be free from dissatisfaction of one kind or another.

As you begin to understand this predicament, you may start entertaining various solutions to it in your mind, thinking that perhaps you should retreat to a secluded place where you would be free of the objects that arouse aggressive and jealous tendencies. But this would not solve the problem. These conflicting emotions are mental patterns, and even if we go to a place of seclusion, we are going to take these habits with us. And just as we usually do, we will then open up a world of speculation (What went wrong in the past? What good or bad things might happen in the future?) and create a mental world that will become the basis for further intensification and amplification of these conflicting emotions.

The solution to our problem is basically quite simple. Since the problem begins with the mind, we must go where the problem is, and work with the mind. As was mentioned earlier, although our minds have become weakened by conflicting emotions and habitual tendencies, we do have the potential to become completely self-liberated of these conditionings and to express our inherent freshness in the true, unconditioned heart of compassion and loving-kindness. Loving-kindness, or maitri, is a Buddhist term denoting the sincere desire for others to experience happiness and well-being. And when this happiness is achieved, there is genuine rejoicing.

Most of us are vaguely familiar with this attitude, because we are able to feel that way when our friends or relatives experience good fortune, and when something is going well for them, we want it to continue. We are also familiar with the attitude of compassion in a general sense. When friends or relatives are experiencing difficulties, we genuinely wish for them to become free of these sufferings. We have these basic qualities, but our experience of loving-kindness and compassion is, shall we say, tainted. It is something like the toy we call a yo-yo: you play with it and make it spin, but there is always a string attached. Similarly, we can afford genuine sympathy, concern, and loving-kindness for these people because they are our relatives, our friends, because they somehow seem to fit within our territory. There is a string attached; the pull is back towards ourselves. Therefore, egocentric tendencies and fixations remain, so these experiences are contaminated and are not free from deception. Still, although we have not worked on developing these qualities, we have glimpses of them because they are inherent potentialities.

At present, our experience of the mind has the shortcomings and defects of habitual conditionings. At the same time, our mind has the potential to become completely free of defects and limitations. The difference between the defects and the potential is great; the defects are entirely extraneous to the mind, while the potential is inherent. Therefore, no matter how serious our present limitations may be, we can work with our minds and achieve a state completely free of such limitations.

To put it another way, as long as we are experiencing a defect like jealousy or envy, we cannot experience loving-kindness. And when we are experiencing loving-kindness, we cannot experience jealousy or envy. The two cannot happen at the same time. To be jealous is to desire someone else's well-being and success for yourself. To experience loving-kindness, on the other hand, is to be happy for others and rejoice when you witness their well-being and success, whether it be of a material or a spiritual nature. Jealousy runs completely counter to this disposition. In a similar fashion, when you experience genuine compassion, you cannot simultaneously experience hatred, anger, or aggression. As long as there is the one, it will displace the other.

The Buddhist teachings instruct us to practice true loving-kindness and compassion, but, in order to genuinely do so, perhaps you should first sit down and allow yourself a few moments of reflection. Become aware of the fact that each day is spent in constant restlessness, constant striving, constant preoccupation. This is how it has always been, because you do not want to experience suffering, pain, or discomfort; you want to experience well-being and contentment. You want to feel good about your life, you want your life to be meaningful. Your experience of life is meaningful to you; that is why you are continuously striving, constantly busy.

Just as you want to avoid the experience of suffering, and just as you want to experience happiness and well-being, so too does each and every being want to avoid suffering and to experience its own well-being. This is a fundamental truth, no matter what their way of life is or how it may appear. This being so, how could you then cause suffering to anybody else? Knowing that you would not like others to inflict sufferings upon you, how could you inflict suffering upon others?

This is why it is necessary to work with the mind. You may not immediately be able to wipe away the sufferings of others on any grand scale, or immediately be able to permeate the lives of each and every being with happiness and well-being. But you can certainly cease to harm yourself and others. To brush it aside just because the results are not immediately tangible, and then continue to harm yourself and others, would reveal an attitude lacking in true understanding and compassion.

As we have seen, the conflicting emotions jealousy, anger, aggression, and so forth — cause harm, and genuine loving-kindness and compassion bring about well-being and happiness. As is said in the teachings, "The best protection, for oneself and for others, is true loving-kindness and compassion." Again, since we have the potential, we must begin to work with our minds and use the mind's potential to free itself of defects. Furthermore, we have to scrutinise our lives and what we feel to be the purpose of our lives. Then, if we have achieved any level of clarity, we will realise that an adjustment of our minds is essential. We must become more thoughtful and considerate. We cannot afford to act on impulse, driven by the upheaval of conflicting emotions, causing harm to ourselves and others both in the present and in the future.

It is not, however, easy to become victorious over our confusion and illusions. It is as if our minds have walled themselves in. We must begin to break through the barriers of our conditionings. In the teachings of the Buddha, the way to generate an accommodating, open mind is through the practice of sitting meditation, known in Tibetan as shinay. Shi means stability, tranquillity, or harmony. Nay means to dwell or to stay. So, shinay literally means to dwell in stability, in tranquillity. Although we may understand the importance of experiencing a noble heart of compassion and loving-kindness, when it comes to actually practising it, our egoistic patterns will invariably obstruct or deflect our intentions. This is why we must first train our chaotic and constantly distracted minds through the practice of basic meditation. This will help us to develop a habitually centred and tranquil mind. One of the most seriously detrimental attitudes we can take is to view ego's negative habitual patterns as permanent aspects of our personalities, to attribute such defects as anger or jealousy to our natures. It is very harmful and destructive to make no effort, to simply say, "I can't do anything about it because it's my nature." From the point of view of Buddhist psychology, and even of basic common sense, this is faulty reasoning. The experience of anger, jealousy, or aggression is an experience of the mind. It arises because of habitual patterns, because of mental conditionings. When we say something is a part of our nature, it makes it seem to be a permanent, unchangeable thing. But the mind is the easiest thing to change.

On the other hand, if we were talking about the body, maybe that would be harder to change. For instance, Rinpoche says, now that he has become an old man, no matter how much he wants to be a young person, it is not going to happen. It is difficult to change these physical things. But the mind is the easiest thing to change. As we know from experience, just one little thing can make someone extremely happy. And just one little thing can make someone raging mad. It does not take anything major to set the mind reeling in one direction or the other, because it changes so easily. So we cannot make excuses and claim that limitations are a part of our "nature," because they are not, and there is no way to prove that they are.

Patience of Unconcern with Harming is, when all beings rise up as enemies and abuse you, on top of analysing and not getting angry, to practise helping them, in return for the harm. Patience of Willingly Bearing Suffering is to accept with joy being lacking in food and clothing, dwelling and so on; unwanted things, such as disease; and sufferings that arise for the sake of the Dharma. Patience of Certain Thought about Dharma is to generate heartfelt confidence and conviction about such devotion-objects as the Three Jewels. Henceforth I shall train with diligence in the practise of these three aspects of Patience. Please inspire me so that I can do this!

-- Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru

Monday 22 July 2019











The essential practice of meditation is to allow the mind to express itself freely without fear or judgment. In each moment of awareness we encounter impressions of the outer world through our sense perception as well as our inner world of thoughts, feelings and emotions. When, through the process of meditation, we are able to let this incredible array of experience be, without trying to reject what we fear or pull in what we feel attracted to - when we relax into experience without trying to manipulate it in any way - we have a complete experience of mind, naked and unaltered. Art, when it is free of such notions of beauty and ugliness, ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts’ can be used to express this complete experience of mind. When art evolves from this understanding it provides the possibility for those who see it to also experience the natural and unfabricated nature of their own awareness.

-- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

Sunday 21 July 2019

High Status and Definite Goodness

by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Leh, Ladakh, J&K, India, 7 July 2014 - Before leaving his residence to resume teachings preliminary to the 33rd Kalachakra Empowerment this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with almost 200 Chinese. He began by congratulating them simply for being there, because of the difficulty of making the journey. He said that relations between Tibet and China were more than 1000 years old. In the 7th century, the powerful Tibetan Emperor Songtsen Gampo married Princess Wencheng, who brought to Tibet the Jowo statue, which is now the main object of worship in Lhasa.

He said that historically Chinese are Buddhists and that he has often observed that Chinese are the senior disciples, while Tibetans are junior. However, he mentioned with a chuckle that in terms of training, the junior disciples haven’t done so badly. A few years ago, a survey conducted by the University of Beijing revealed that there were 300 million Buddhists in China and since then the number is thought to have grown to 400-500 million. His Holiness reported that recently in France, Xi Jinping had remarked that Buddhism was crucial to China’s cultural revival. He noted that in the Chinese canon there are more translated sutras than in the Kangyur, but the Tibetan Tengyur contains more volumes than the Chinese collection.

However that may be, His Holiness said that Buddhist teaching includes a complete description of reality and that to be a Buddhist it’s important to study.

“I often tease Chinese friends,” he said, “that repeating the name of Amitabha over and again is not sufficient. If you only rely on that, there’s little to differentiate your practice from Christians and Muslims who aspire to go to heaven. The Buddha made quite clear that enlightenment takes place within; in the heart.”

Laughing some more, His Holiness remembered being described by a Chinese official as a demon, but said it made no difference to him whether he was called a demon or Chenrezig. To him what is much more important is to be a follower of the Buddha.

His Holiness told his rapt listeners that he likes the idea of a People’s Republic, because the words themselves suggest a sense of equality. He mentioned meeting Mao Zedong many times, recalling that he had been a great advocate of equality who scorned nationalism and Han chauvinism. He said that true equality today would overcome most problems.

Repeating a familiar theme, His Holiness asserted that 1.3 billion Chinese people have a right to know the truth. If they know reality, they have the ability and intelligence to judge right from wrong. The censorship imposed in China would be impossible to maintain in India or Japan. He said:
“Because it makes it very difficult for people to assess reality, censorship is immoral. What’s more it shows a basic lack of respect for the people. As China grows she has opportunities to make a positive contribution to the world, but to do so she must first earn the world’s trust and respect.”

Under warm sunshine, His Holiness once again walked to the pavilion from which he teaches and in which the Kalachakra Sand Mandala is steadily taking shape. On arrival he is greeted each day by a band of Ladakhi musicians playing drums and the local reed instrument the surna. After greeting Lamas and organizers who sit around the throne and saluting the audience, he took his seat and said:

“Whatever kind of discourse is being given, it’s very important that teacher and students generate a good motivation. We should take refuge in the Three Jewels unencumbered by such emotions as attachment and anger, and unsullied by the eight worldly concerns. For a Dharma to be Mahayana, the person must be Mahayana.”

His Holiness said that the way we are led out of cyclic existence involves the Buddha’s fundamental teaching of the Four Noble Truths, which entails cessation of the causes of suffering. Soon after his enlightenment the Buddha first presented this teaching in Varanasi. He taught the Noble Truth of Suffering, the Noble Truth of its Cause, the Noble Truth of Cessation and the Noble Truth of the Path. He explained that suffering must be known, its cause must be abandoned, cessation must be actualized and the path cultivated. However, once suffering is known there is nothing to be known, nothing to be abandoned, nothing to be actualized and nothing to be cultivated.

His Holiness explained that each of the Noble Truths has four attributes: they are impermanent, suffering, empty and selfless. Regarding impermanence he said there is gross and subtle impermanence. When something simply comes to an end, that is gross impermanence, but the momentary change that affects a thing is subtle impermanence, impelled by its own causes. Ignorance is, for example, to hold onto a permanent self although there is no such self.

Entering into the path involves the Three Trainings in morality, concentration and wisdom, which lead to the practice of the Six Perfections and in due course to the practice of the Vajrayana. To start with Tantra will not be so effective. To understand what liberation is we need to understand the Perfection of Wisdom teachings. Meanwhile, as part of the Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma the Tathagata-garbha-sutra reveals the subjective mind, the clear light mind, which is the essence of the Highest Yoga Tantra. In his teaching the Buddha first laid the foundations, then raised the walls of the structure, finally topping it with a roof. His Holiness remarked that Tibetans tend to begin with the roof.

He said that when the Three Trainings are developed on the basis of understanding selflessness, this renders them the Three Higher Trainings. The 37 factors of Enlightenment include the Four foundations of mindfulness; Four right exertions; Four bases of power; Five faculties; Five powers; Seven factors of Enlightenment and the Noble Eightfold Path. His Holiness explained that the Four Mindfulnesses included mindfulness of the body, mindfulness of feelings, mindfulness of the mind and mindfulness of phenomena.

“Understanding the nature of the mind is clarity and awareness,” he said, “we can see how disturbing emotions can be overcome. Buddhist teaching is not about threatening people with dire consequences if they don’t behave in a certain way. Instead, by understanding the advantages of liberation, they will be inspired to achieve it.”

His Holiness commented that in today’s world people are more interested in their physical comfort and sensory pleasure, and yet love and compassion are developed within and are more durable. Beginning to explain Nagarjuna’s text the ‘Precious Garland’ he spoke of high status or good rebirth and definite goodness or liberation. He reiterated that Dharma, to protect us from suffering, entails not harming others but helping them, often expressed as abandoning the ten unwholesome deeds and fulfilling the ten virtues. In this connection, all faults come from self-cherishing and coming under the sway of the mental factors known as the three poisons. Suffering is not dispelled by reciting prayers, only by overcoming ignorance, the misconception of self.

As he completed the first chapter of the ‘Precious Garland, His Holiness said:

“Although it can be difficult it is worth studying these texts, comparing them to each other and trying to understand what ideas like emptiness really mean.”

Impermanence isn’t just about death, it has many refreshing and positive aspects. For example, understanding the philosophy of impermanence is an antidote to afflicting emotions because it dispels ignorance. Since our mind is constantly changing, we can see that anger, arrogance, jealousy, pride, attachment, and so forth are just momentary mental defilement. Application of this knowledge reduces the power of these thoughts and eventually leads us to eliminate them completely. When truly we know that everything passes with time, we won’t need to hold onto resentment and can learn forgiveness. Impermanence teaches us to endure hardships while we’re developing good qualities, because hardship, too, will eventually disappear. Without an awareness of impermanence, we tend to waste our lives thinking that there will be time for Dharma practice later. These are just a few of the great qualities and strengths we can build from reflecting on impermanence.

-- Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche

Saturday 20 July 2019











































