Monday 24 July 2017

Endowed with four things a good person is in heaven as though led and laid there. With what four? With bodily right conduct, with verbal right conduct, with mental right conduct and with gratitude and helping in return (katannuta, katavedita).

Endowed with four things a foolish, unskilled and wicked person is one who has destroyed his own foundation, is censurable and blamable by the wise, and accumulates a lot of demerit (apunna). With what four? With bodily misconduct, with verbal misconduct, with mental misconduct and with ingratitude and not helping in return (akatannuta, akatavedita).

Endowed with four things a wicked person is in hell as though led and laid there. With what four? With bodily misconduct, with verbal misconduct, with mental misconduct and with ingratitude and not helping in return (akatannuta, akatavedita).

-- The Buddha

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