Sunday 23 January 2022

Since lack of control of body and mind prevents one from taking anything seriously, it is in opposition to the way to inner peace; since places where many people gather cause distraction, one fails in what one has to do; since taking pleasure in drowsiness, sluggishness, and idleness prevents one from completing any work, it is a false friend; since exultation and self-reproach disturb the mind, they hinder a wider perspective; since many people and acquaintances are an occasion for much involvement, attachment, and aversion, they counteract concentration; since talkativeness diminishes any feeling of wholesomeness, hinders its arising, and is the source for dissatisfaction and strife, it is by giving up all these hindrances that meditative experiences will naturally grow, and that one perseveres in the teachings of the Victorious One.

-- Longchenpa

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